Consul Report


Consul Report

Report #2 – December 6, 2008

 Operation: Resurgence is happening now. For those of you signed up for the battle plan event you have until December 14th to submit. ACC matches have started, but until the DB website returns all posters will be granted an extension. It’s pretty difficult to write a battle without seeing your opponent’s character sheet. For all the information you need to participate visit the [OPR Website](  

Make sure to READ THE RULES for the events you’re participating in. The ACC rules can be found in the OPR Hall.

 The Clan-wide AWOL Survey has ended. When the site is back online I’ll be sending a list of AWOLees to the Master-at-Arms. If you’re on the list of members getting removed to rogue, you can always request a transfer back into Taldryan when you feel you have the time to be active, or learn to set yourself as LoA. Initial estimates have us losing around 20 members, though I will probably be lenient to the members who haven’t yet been here for a month.  

The next major “AWOL Check” will be the Great Jedi War. I don’t expect everyone to be Jac-like in their participation levels, but not competing in ANY events for the bigger DB-wide competition tells us that you’re not that into the DB. Just something to remember for next month.

 After talking it over with some of the Summit, I’ve decided we’re going to re-open the Taldryan Fictional Development forum next Saturday. This will give us some time to play around with ideas before the Great Jedi War, after most people are finished with their exams. If anyone is interested in checking out what has already been discussed visit the [Fictional Development Forum]( Password will be provided upon request. (send me an email or message)  

 For those of you in Dinaari, both Tarax and Vlad are in the middle of exam week so while they’ll try to find time for all regular summit duties, they may take a bit longer than normal. As most of us are either taking exams or preparing for winter holidays we should all remember that things slow down a lot during the holidays. Everyone is dealing with stuff, and the Clan leaders are just people too who are volunteering their time to run things.  

 This is just a general reminder to everyone in the Clan… When you have questions or problems or need help with something in the DB use the chain of command. Do not go straight to a Dark Council member because, despite them being helpful people, it is not their job to hand-hold members. Talk to your House Summit first and, failing that, ask Sklib or I. We’re all around to help, so make sure you talk to someone within the Clan first.  

Here’s a helpful little page for those of you new to the Club. This Organizational Chart will tell you who fits in where in the chain of command. Remember to bask in its awesomeness, because I spent a while figuring out how to make it look sexy on the wiki.

 Jac has taken the website down to perform upgrades – he’s adding some cool new stuff such as the upgraded Character Sheets. No exact eta on when the site will be back up, but it should be within the next day or so.   

 Great Jedi War planning is still underway. I don’t have any details to share, but Muz has been using the nick Muz|GJW all day, so I assume something is being worked on :P Hopefully we’ll have some new information  in the next week or two that I can pass on to you all.  

  The Gaming Tribune-sponsored tournament is slowly nearing completion. For those of you still in the running make sure to get your matches done in a timely manner. The brackets can be found – [here.]( Report your matches directly to Dante -  

 Kaek is currently in exam mode, so his staff will be taking over the processing of low-level medals and promotions. All the bigger stuff will be on the waiting list until he’s back in action. Just a small heads up for everyone.  

 While the DB site is down, remember you can still use the [Forums]( and the [DB Wiki]( – both are excellent ways to keep in touch and have fun waiting for the new character sheets.  

Clan Taldryan

 While the DB site is down, remember you can use the [ Taldryan website]( to get news and information on the current [competitions]( running.  
  • Operation: Resurgence - A Clan-wide competition to get everyone ready for the upcoming Great Jedi War.

  • Taldryan Improv - A funny forum-based competition. I’ll be updating with the next round Sunday.

  • EaWesome the Second - EaW has always been one of our weak points in the big events. With this competition you can get out there to improve your skill.

Dark Brotherhood

I’ll send an update on Brotherhood-wide competitions when the site returns. I do know that Kir’s Thanksgiving competition ended (and my entry wasn’t on time =) and that there will be no Monthly Topic due to the holidays.

  Only a few items to report on this time. Due to the site being down I don’t have a complete list, but I did record some interesting information from both Clans Naga Sadow and Tarentum.  

My quote of week is brought to you by Anshar’s latest report:

”Remember, our goal is to do better than the last GJW, with my highest goal being first place. Wouldn't you love to wipe the smirks off Taly's face? I would, and the GJW is our chance.” - Good stuff, no?

  • Naga Sadow - Seems that CNS is also preparing for the upcoming Great Jedi War. They’ve begun work on special training sessions for all facets of DB competitions. They’re also trying to implement a plan to ensure member activity with a “do something each month or get kicked out” mentality. Not sure that will work, but it’ll be funny to see what happens.

  • Tarentum - They’re preaching total-control Run-Ons, where the summit (or some governing body) will monitor and edit all member posts before they’re posted. A bit on the anal retentive side, but I guess they’re having trouble with quality control.

Important Links

Clan Taldryan | Clan Codex | Competitions Page | IRC Guide

Dark Jedi Brotherhood | Antei Combat Center | Shadow Academy

Message Boards | DJB Wikipedia | Dark Side Codex Promotion Requirements

Summit Members

Consul Shadow Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Proconsul Hel-Pa Sklib Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Rollmaster Andan Taldrya Marshall ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Quaestor Vladet Xavier ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Aedile Tarax Eosphoros Kor ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Quaestor Vodo Biask ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Aedile Sidarance Rathden ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server

IP Address:

Password: Talpwnz


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