Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Rollmaster Report

Cethgus stood there over the balcony he had spent a lot of time there, he knew that each time he locked out and saw that beautiful view. It was as if all the troubles this week had suddenly disappeared. He just sighed and let a slightly breeze whispered across his robes, he smiled though he had a lot to do he couldn't help but just spend a few hours a day standing here and being able to wait and wonder, even solving problems. As he stood there the door behind him opened as he turned to see who had walked in, he noticed his Master standing and looking out at the view.

"It has been a long time since I felt your presence again Master" his face allowed a small smile to escape his lips. As the two of them stood there time started to blast away as the Obelisk forgot himself as he continued to talk to his Master, knowing that they had a lot of catching up to do. AS the two just wasted time talking, it had been a while since they had allowed the luxury to just talk to each other, and Cethgus had to admit he enjoyed talking to his Master.


Well, first the Dark Brotherhood site is down, I don't think I need to remind anyone that the site has been hit, but this is ok, I am sure that I can keep you busy, after all there is always expansion on your wiki page that you could do. Or maybe go onto the forum and try and post something in the clan forum. And for all of you gamers, I recommend that while the sight is down you have the chance to be able to get back to grips with being able to game, and warm up in preparation for the gaming.

Master and Student news. Well what I can say on this matter, first of all if you are again a student or a master looking for a pairing, please feel free to email me your name, and I will see what I can do for you. Please remember that this pairing is something you have to think about it before you email me, and if you have any questions about being in a pairing, feel free to email me at any time.

Now, the next port of call will be about this great Jedi War, as most of you hopefully will know by now that the Great Jedi War is up coming and I know that each of you will work towards the clan, and try your very best, that is all I can ask for. Each of you have great potential this war is a chance for you to prove what you are really made of.

Current Master and Student Pairings:

M&S Pairings:

Cethgus – Cern, Cassie

Braecen – Kodais, Mehrunes

Yzarc – Ralph, Vorn

Kara - Khioo

Ky – Brema

Alaris – Ashron

Kal – Mograine

Impetus - Octavia

Ood – Killer

Activity Tracker:

I would like to take this little part to remind each of you that when you do a competitions please remember to also send it to the Plagueis tracker, the email address for this is: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Well this is the best part, I would like to say though that for the moment, I would like to say that if you are looking to be promoted soon, I wouldn't expect that to happen to soon, due to the sight being down as much as we want to you have to be patient with us. Now onto the main part, I would like to congratulate everyone who has got promoted so the following people got promoted:

APP – Novice Sanguinius

APP – Novice Aeshi

Word for members:

Ok a few things first of all based on IRC, I would hope that you all would be nice to one another, please remember that you are all from the same clan and respect each other. Another thing is that each of you can still do things and be active even if the site is down for the moment, I would just like to let each of you remember this. Other than that I would like to say well done on a good week.

Serving in Darkness


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