Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

The Blades of Chaos entered the battlefield to stop the Rebellion, and upon takeoff the Battleteam's Leader Nihil lost communication with the team. Nihil chose to take a personal craft and provide cover for the JV-7 escort ship that held the team.

"What the-!" Nihil started to yell as transmission was cut. "I don't like this one bit..." he tried to finish.

CRACK! A loud object hit his fighter and the concussion knocked him unconscience. His ship started to fly off its route before the pilot of the Blades' transport realized that Nihil has been separated from the team itself.

Well the Rebellion is done, have yet to wait on the conclusion and see how good we did gang.

Otherwise, I put up a small comp...(and screwed up, sorry Dante! lol) that would help on the history of the Battleteam and its efforts.


Korvyn Elvendar achieved Krath Priest, Equite 1!


Korvyn Elvendar recieved a Crescent of Emerald for RoaR Symbol of a Change

Shadow Academy

Dak Onasi completed both History of the Sith Empire I and History of the Sith Empire II

So yeah, it's been a whole month since my last report. What, you got a problem with that? Do something about, tell me then! lol

Ok but yeah, with the whole Rebellion comp and the low activity, I stalled on doing another Report.

Lastly, the site's functional again. Yayz!

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