Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

<table width="102%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td scope="col">Rollmaster Report

Report 9 - February 5th, 2009 - 30 ABY

_"He did what? Just quit? I don't believe it ... I won't believe it.'" No matter how much Robin tried to disagree about the news given to her by the borrowed K-Y27 droid, it was true. Lucien had quit. Though not overly obvious to the Clan and its members she had felt this close connection to the man. He treated her with respect and she admired him for. His sudden departure left her at a a loss and she didn't know how to react. Bringing her hand up to her face, she slowly and gently grabbed loose hairs that had fallen down onto her face while she continued to stare down at the floor. "I suppose we all must go on." Reaching for a clipboard, she headed into the humid garden and began to casually make notes.


Well. Where should I begin? The first part of ROAR concluded and the participation swelled from HDS, though we can't just swell we have to bloat.:P Especially when it comes to the GJW. The website came back. Yeah for all of those who worked so hard on getting back. I am sure most of use were going insane, some of use even claimed to be bored. How could that be? Remember you can come to anyone of us "Summit-like Beings" and ask for something to do. Also, its sad, but Lucien has quit. For now I leave it at that. Please don't let this discourage you from continuing on and being strong as you usually are.

I would like to announce that the following have a new character sheet approved; - Korvyn Elvendar

Progress report on the Fan Film. I had Vader in to read his lines. Yeah. He didn't really need to memorize his lines for onset shooting, so we decided to do them afterwards. I can tell you this, it is really really hard to do. For both the talent and the recordist (me). It is also very hard to speak like James Earl Jones. That can also be a problem. So we did our best. I will crop the lines and through it in the film and if it sounds bad, we will re-record.

For lunch today. In succession to recording or talent playing Vader we went to Dairy Queen. I ordered a Double something or other. Just before taking a bight I noticed something blue. I showed the staff and they offered to make me another. Being a Canadian (all polite and stuff) also not wanting to eat another burger (adding another couple of inches on my hips) I thankfully refused. So I just ate my fries instead.

I hate when people change dates without telling you. I went to my usual band practice in the city. Its about a 40min drive and about 75 cents a litre. When I arrived the band hall was dark. Later I found out that the concert scheduled for later on was moved up. Boy that pissed me off. Though if I didn't come home I wouldn't have been able to get a lot of DB things done, that I wouldn't have delayed only further.

I finally got my tracking numbers for the packages for my 501st 'uniforms', arriving from Australia. Please, someone stop me before I spend money like that again. lol. I also have a quarter of my convention money saved up for Dcon and FanExpo. Yeah!

NOTE: Next weeks report comes early. I will be leaving for Florida Feb. 18th and will not be returning till March 4th and therefore that weeks report will be a day late. Please don't break the house while I am gone.

New Arrivals

Just a reminder to those New Arrivals, I will be doing a clean up of inactive members very soon. Its important that we know who is in or out. For the GJW our numbers of inactive members will be counted against us. I think it works like a percentage with division and other strange math symbols. So please if you are interested in staying as a member, let me know. If not, please go Rogue now and at least till the Great Jedi War is over. Thank you.

  • Kalem Deskari - Yeah!!! Welcome to HDS!


Wait for this section to explode once the site is up.

  • Gaming Nights from 1/1/2009 to 1/3/2009 Angelo Dante - **Cluster of Fire* = 27 Koskian 'Psyko'd'Tana - **Cluster of Fire* = 16 Prajna Berkana - **Cluster of Fire* = 10

<li>Scholae Palatinae Competitions from 12/28/2008 to 2/3/2009

Prajna Berkana - **Cluster of Fire* = 1</li>

HDS Competition Entries

  • *[Dorimad Sol] RH Report Trivia #1 *(long over due) *Tied - Nihil Zayne & Anarya Elvendar - Crescent with Topaz Star

<li>*[Dorimad Sol] Bloons *(long over due)
*1st - Angelo Dante - Crescent with Emerald Star
*2nd - Korvyn Elvendar - Crescent with Topaz Star
*3rd - Anarya Elvendar - Crescent with Quartz Star</li>

CSP Competition Entries - RoaR Symbol of a Change (all HDS)*1st - Ric "Blade" Hunter - Crescent with Sapphire Star*2nd - Korvyn Elvendar - Crescent with Emerald Star*3rd - Robin Hawk - Crescent with Topaz Star

<li>*RoaR Shock and Awe
*1st - Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana - Crescent with Emerald Star

*3rd - Ric "Blade" Hunter - Crescent with Quartz Star


<li>**RoaR trivia, day 1

***1st - Angelo Dante - Legion of the Scholar


<li>**RoaR trivia, day 2


*2nd - Prajna Berkana - Legion of the Scholar


<li>**RoaR trivia, day 3

** *1st - Angelo Dante - Legion of the Scholar

*2nd - Robin Hawk- Legion of the Scholar


<li>**Article Stimulus Package

***1st - Angelo Dante - Crescent with Sapphire Star

*2nd - <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Robin Hawk - Crescent with Emerald Star

</font></li><li>*[Scholae Palatinae] Recruitment Drive
*No Body :( </li>


<li>DJK Korvyn Elvendar: Now Priest, Yeah!!!!! You deserve it bro, from now on we aim to achieve together. But me first. :P</li>

Now that the site is up, do what you can before the Great Jedi War.

  • Luke Morin - Dark Brotherhood Basics - Sweet only a couple of things to do before promo!

Antei Combat Centre


  • DJK Draco Maligo ** (Winner) vs. DJK Korvyn Elvendar** - better luck next time
  • DJK Tra'an Reith ** (Winner) vs. OPM Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana** - better luck next time
  • Robin Hawk vs. RevengeX Palpatine () - 3rd fight of ROAR - still waiting to be judged ACC Rank Increase

Master and Apprentice Pairings
<table width="340" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" bordercolor="#333333"><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td width="53%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" scope="col"> MASTER </td><td width="8%" bgcolor="#000000" scope="col">:</td><td width="39%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" scope="col"> APPRENTICE </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td> Prajna Berkana </td><td>:</td><td> Tollo </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td> Robin Hawk </td><td>:</td><td> RenNi Tyron </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td> Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana </td><td>:</td><td> Anarya Elvendar </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td> (no master) </td><td>:</td><td> Nihil Zayne </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td> (no master) </td><td>:</td><td> Gabrànth Ondörè </td></tr></table>

</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3">

</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><td colspan="3"> Apprentices (To Be) </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Shuan Waott </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Amritsu Van </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Luke Morin </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Dak Onasi </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Telka </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Logan Shadowhawk </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Issan Opuurin </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Kalem Deskari </td></tr></table>



  1. CSP Journeymen Upgrade(HDS)_Elite Forces Clone Wars - Robin Hawk & Clan RM's - Due February 10th


  1. *NONE ATM * I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it. 
    ~ Jack Handey, "Deep Thoughts"

~Sith Warrior, Robin Hawk

Dated February 5th, and yet you wrote March 5th. Haha wow RH.

Good story on Lucien. Keep it up girl!

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