Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greetings, Cestus! This will be a short report, but here we go.

First of all, with the site down for so long, I bet some of you aren't as active as you were before. Two or more weeks without a site does that. However, I'd like you all to e-mail me with an update on your status. I have already spoken to Jaron Kai, and I'm pretty aware that Vai is around, though I haven't heard from him in a while.

My point with this is that it's a bad time to suddenly not be doing much, while I'll admit, there's not much to do. We've got the GJW coming up on March 1st, and we want to kick ass at it. This is like an Olympics event, and we should be going for the gold. It's fun, it's badass, and it's really helps gets your characters to kick ass and for you to earn some great medals. And not just flimsy things like crescents. There are Novas and even bigger awards waiting if you try hard enough.

We want Tarentum to be awesome in this GJW, so don't let a long time of no site bring us down.

In the meantime, here's the link for the latest Cestus competition:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=4130

I am also planning on some easier, shorter-run comps for preparation for the war. I believe they'll be a great way to warm everyone up for the GJW and bring everyone's focus back.

In real life, I've just finished up my first week of college and things look good. I still have a decent amount of time to contribute to the clan and the House. In the meantime, I would like those updates (that includes the Rollmaster and the Quaestor) ASAP.

-DJK Ronovi Tavisaen (Obelisk)/AED/Cestus of Tarentum

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