Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

# House Exar Kun

Quaestor Report <-

-> ## House, Clan & Brotherhood News <-

Ok…it’s been a month since my last report. Half my fault, half the site’s fault, so I’ll apologize for my half.

I want to welcome all the new members to the House. Welcome to Plagueis, you guys. If you ever feel uncomfortable, unsure, don’t know what to do, or yes, even just want to talk, I’m all ears. Send me a pm on IRC (Yzarc|busy, Yzarc|gone, ZzZarc), or an e-mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and I’ll happily talk to you, or help you figure stuff out.

Our sister house, House Setal Keto has a new Quaestor (their old Aedile), in Vivackus Kavon. If you meet the requirements (found here), and want to, I suggest applying for the position of Aedile in HSK.

There is a new plot update out for the Upcoming Great Jedi War (which starts March 1st) and it can be found here

Also, RevengeX, the Wiki Tribune, has released a report, found here

-> ## House Direction <-

I’ve more or less decided what I’m going to do about the spot of Battle Team leader. For now, the spot will remain vacant. During the GJW, I will be watching people’s progress, and how they exhibit themselves, as it is the perfect proving ground. After the War, I will open the spot to applications, and go from there. In the meantime, if you feel like you will apply after the War, speak up, and I will watch you more than I would if I didn’t know you would apply.

Otherwise, do the warmup competitions and other competitions circling around right now. The warmups will really get you into the state of mind needed for the GJW. Also, begin to think about how you will handle the Yuuzhan Vong (in character, obviously). How will you react, how does your character feel?

-> ## Closing Remarks <-

Well, there you go, my second House Exar Kun Quaestor report.

I’d just like to re-emphasize that this is not MY house. It is OUR house, and if you have a problem with the ways, the hows, or the whys I do something, LET ME KNOW. I can’t begin to fix something, if I don’t know it clashes with what you guys want.

Also, thanks for staying alive and active. I’ve been trying to get my schoolwork all caught up, and I believe I’m nearly there. I’m apologizing now for all the missed promotions, medals, reports, and competitions. Ralph and I will begin to catch up on those now. Thanks, guys, for your patience.

Have a good week, don’t forget about the ICTE, and get active!

Yzarc Rellik Kaeth di Plagia


House Exar Kun of Clan Plagueis

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