Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Dinaari Quaestor Report #35 - February 22, 2009

Greetings all,

It was an average week before the grand daddy of all competitions begins ... the 9th Great Jedi War. The Vendetta will begin on March 1st and will last six weeks; there will be many different types of events such as gaming, fiction, graphics, ACC, run-ons, etc. which means that there should be a little something for everyone to participate in. That means you have just a week left to relax before the games begin - take advantage of it because we're going to ask a lot out of you. By participating in a lot of events you might just get a valuable promotion or receive a nice medal for your efforts. Your rewards are determined solely by your activity so I encourage you to participate in as many events as you possibly can. The Clan Summit will be helping you in every way we can.

To kick off our annual Vendetta defense a new issue of the famous Taldryan Times will be released on opening day! Everyone in the Clan is encouraged to send in funny pictures, quotes, articles, or other "news" that the Clan may enjoy. Don't have any ideas? Check out our online archive of previous Tal Times issues to see what this thing is all about. Be sure to get all submissions to myself, Tarax, Vodo, and Duga before the 27th.

Arguably the biggest news of the week was that we have a new Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood. Sarin resigned a few days ago and Muz has taken his place. In the grand scheme of things this really doesn't affect the daily operations of the club as thankfully Muz isn't really an idiot. After the GJW concludes he'll open up applications for the position of Deputy Grand Master (DGM) so I guess that's somewhat interesting. In related news, Kaek (MAA) is looking for a new Praetor (P:MAA) and Kir needs a new assistant (RHoJ) to help with things within his pants. Details on all of this can be found on the main DJB news page.

Both Tarax and Baron are currently running competitions within the House at the moment; these competitions will stop running before the GJW begins so be sure to get some submissions in before the deadlines. A listing of competitions, as always, can be found near the bottom of this report with a link to the Tal.net competitions listing page. Remember, competition participation = promotions and merit medals. DO THEM.

House Dinaari and Clan Taldryan proudly recognize the following individuals on their recent honors ...

A number of members were awarded merit medals for cumulative activity over the past few months. Congratulations to Tarax, Corax/Baron, and Kraval for earning a Dark Cross each while Duga earned himself an Anteian Cross. These should have been in Pole's report last week but as usual he fails like Chaos (although not as much).

Other awards include our newest member, Toby, earning his first real promotion to the rank of Novice (congrats!), Toby passing IRC Basics at the Shadow Academy, and Baron earning a Crescent w/ Emerald Star.

In other news, "Pre" Locust in back from the Rogues! Welcome back!

The Great Jedi War is coming up next week ... be ready and keep a close eye on your e-mail inbox!

To finish up I recommend getting on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to talk with your fellow Taldryan members (and the rest of the DJB if you so choose). For our Journeymen there is a wealth of competitions going on right now so if you want to get ahead start participating! Your rank is determined solely by you. Have a great week!

DB-Wide Events

  • Gaming Nights (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)

  • Inter-Club Training Event (Saturdays; Ends on 12/31)

Clan-Wide Events

  • A New Hope: Tal Trivia (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)

  • Taldryan Fantasy Draft (Ends on 3/04)

House Dinaari Events

  • A Night to Forget (Ends on 2/28)

  • [DFB] Kill the SGT (Ends on 3/01)

For more detailed descriptions of the above competitions, please visit the Tal.net competitions listing by clicking here.

~ Important Links ~

Clan Taldryan | Clan Codex | Competitions Page | IRC Guide

Dark Jedi Brotherhood | Antei Combat Center | Shadow Academy

Message Boards | DJB Wikipedia | Dark Side Codex

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