Aedile Report


Aedile Report

TO: House Galeres

CC: Clan Arcona Mailing list

FROM: Your friendly neighborhood AED

Hey guys, most of you know me so I’ll skip the introductions. This is mostly for Galeres but don’t let that stop HQDers from reading the material relevant to them.

I want to say congrats to Galeres very own JScumm (as well as myself and Timmy) for receiving a Seal of Loyalty. I can remember you from my very first days in Arcona JS, it’s well deserved.

Thanks to everyone that’s been taking part in the Great Jedi War. We are number one and have been since week Zero; I wanna give a huge thank you to our gamers that deserve the lion’s share of the credit for our unbelievable success here. But I also want to remind everyone that the fat lady has not yet sung. We are only up by a few hundred points or something like that; it is by no means an insurmountable lead.

At the end of a run you don’t jog, you sprint. If you have been holding back anything; this is the time to give it all you got. If you’re a gamer and haven’t submitted any fiction or poetry, have a go at it. If you’re a fiction writer but haven’t gamed make sure to do the flash game and everyone can do the trivia and obtain degrees from the shadow academy. If you’ve been watching from the side lines instead of jumping into the mix, now if your time to join the fray.

I’d also like to speak about one comp specifically that we’re lagging in that is a fairly large slice of our score, the Clan Run-On. The Run-on is worth more than 10% of our total points and is one of the events that won’t be scored until the end of the last week. Meaning if we score low and Tally scores high we can wake up to a wicked surprise. Despite leading every single week we can still lose to them and still have to listen to them for another year or two until we get another chance to beat them.

Furthermore, at this point; except for Shadow Stalker and a few others the RO has been dominated by House Qel-Droma. I know we're supposed to be the gaming house but I know we have some strong writers and I know we can blow these other clan’s out of the water if we really try and put in a lot of effort here at the end. You don’t need to be a professional writer, nor do you need to write a post ten pages long. Write to the best of your ability (don’t forget Timmy has agreed to proof read) and write as little or as much as you want (I believe the minimum is 300 words).

I’m sure most of you know how to post in a run-on so I won’t insult your intelligence (If your unsure of how to do a run-on, take the SA RO course and then get the degree it’s apart of!) but if you have any questions about the story or possible actions for your character to take don’t hesitate to email Lego ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Arcturus ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Make sure you email them both because I think Arc is on a bit of an LOA. The only thing I can tell you to keep in mind is that the run-on is pre-leadership turn over. Meaning Vorion is PCON, Taig of QUA of HQD, Lego is AED of HQD, Arc is TET of Prophesy, I’m in Prophesy, Xath is QUA of Galeres and Strat is AED of Galeres.

Lastly, I don’t think everyone in Galeres is emailing me with their submissions (aside from Mali). I am handling the Activity Tracking Records so if I don’t have the information I can’t guaranty that you’ll will be awarded or promoted appropriately. So for Galeres any time you submit a comp make sure to CC me at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] as well as Timmy.

Alright folks, that’s all for now. Keep up the great work!


~ (#8075) OT Etah Idanian (Obelisk)/AED-EP/Galeres of Arcona [ACC: CL:1]

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