Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Well, we've reached the final week. The wind down. The final step we can take to redeem ourselves. I know this has not been the best GJW we've had. It's been much more lackluster than we imagined. What toned down our previous commitment and confidence, I don't know. Real life, the postponements, whatever.

What I do know is that for those who have worked so hard in the war, I'm proud of you guys. You have shone as a Tarenti, and hopefully you will not go unrewarded for it. Whether we're 4th or 5th or even last, maybe even achieving a higher place through an extra push - I don't care, as long as I know at least some of you were able to help us along the road.

I want this last week to be an awesome one. Participate as much as you can. Submit to place. Make the last week of the RO a great wrap-up to our story. We can still pack a punch; there's a reason why Tarentum has been a clan for so long. It's because we're worthy to be a clan. And we need to prove it.

Kick some ass, guys, and let's end this war with a bang, not with a whimper.

-OT Ronovi Tavisaen (Obelisk)/AED/Cestus of Tarentum

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