Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Hey, Cestus! I know Vai just sent out his RM report, but Kaz is most likely very busy so I will be sending a report for this week...or technically last week, just a few days late.

Well, the GJW is over and done with. Some of you will be rewarded for your activity and your participation; you earned it. Some of you even went on to get Novas; that's very good. But some of you, unfortunately, were not there for the ride, either due to real life or maybe just disinterest.

Overall, do I think we did that great? Of course I don't. Am I happy with the way the war turned out? Not really; we most likely didn't get over fourth place. And with the overall scores coming out, there's a big chance we got sixth place. That's last place, guys. We can do better than that.

I know there were a lot of contributions to why we didn't do as well; a lot of our good members could not be as active due to several reasons. The postponement of the GJW to March put a lot of us college students pitted against participation and midterms/finals; considering our clan has a higher ratio of working members and college student members, it affects us. The fact that we didn't place as much as we hoped adds to it, and maybe even the idea that we slumped for a couple of weeks and just couldn't make up for it since the other clans didn't seem to let up. There was a lot against us, but at the same time, there was a lot for us, and some of us, I think, didn't really push hard enough.

Now, I know Anshar will give out his own opinion of the whole thing in his report, but I will say my bit here as Aedile. I know we, as a House, do not have a lot of newer members who really go beyond Protector. We end up getting a lot of people who, even if they show interest early on and are supported by leaders, don't keep up. But there is one thing we need to focus on to keep the cycle of leaders going. Newer members must be recruited to replace the leaders who end up stepping down. Even newer members must take those new leaders' places, and so on and so forth. While it is important to rely on individuals, it is more important to rely on and therefore strengthen the group as a whole, not just a few people. Because who knows, we may not be able to get the help of those few at some point.

Still, I am excited for the future of the clan from here on out, even if it means we need to take a lot of time to heal and rebuild (story-wise and clan-wise). For now, however, those who have worked hard, relax. Take a breather. You've earned a break. And for those who did participate and perhaps placed, I'm proud of you. You've helped Tarentum as much as you can, and that's worth something.

All right, I'm out of here. Take it easy for now, Cestus; there's a lot more on the way.

-OT Ronovi Tavisaen (Obelisk)/AED/Cestus of Tarentum

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