Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

SW Joseem Maruuch here, reporting from the safety of the Marakith Skyhook. We all did well during the Great Jedi War. Congratulations to everyone.


Below is the list I currently have for Masters and their Apprentices. If you do not see yourself on the list and have either a Master or an Apprentice, email me and let me know what's up. Currently, eleven Apprentices are in Rogue status. Please contact your Apprentice and see if they still want to participate. This is your role as a Master.


DJM Shan Long|Nero Pennant

SBM Shikyo|Ekeia Iclo

DJK Joseem Maruuch|Valorian (HMR Cross Assigned)

KE Nekura Manji Keibatsu|Dyrra Skye

KP Alexander Anderson|Krandon Rowella


Please welcome the following new members:


Darius Bane



Are you a Dark Jedi Knight or above and want to pass on your knowledge? Email me and we will see about getting you someone to train.


Still looking for a new job. I am now available for Commissions of artwork. That means you pay me and I create exclusive work for you, with the caveat that I get to use said work for my portfolio. Email me for details if you are interested.

Being a Master to an apprentice is mostly about getting your charge the correct information. Almost all the info that you will need is located at the DJB Wiki. This is the most up to date info that the Brotherhood has. The other part of being a Master is keeping your Apprentice active. If you are not active, 9 times out of 10 your Apprentice won't be. Let us make sure that all of you Masters stay active and lead by example.

In Darkness~

SW Joseem Maruuch

Rollmaster, House Ludo Kressh

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