A request for assistance


A request for assistance

Members of the Brotherhood,

I come to you this night with a request for assistance. Over the last few weeks there have been a large number of unexplained deaths within our ranks. Such deaths are not uncommon in an organisation such as ours, but when the deaths congregate in my order, I have a particular interest in bringing them to an end.

I call upon individual phyles to volunteer to assist in the investigation. I will continue to carry out my own enquiry of course, with the assistance of the office of the Oracle, and we will make certain information available to you. Any help you can give in identifying the perpetrator and bringing an end to this disturbance will not go unrewarded.

Any Tetrarchs who feel that this is something with which they can assist, please contact myself for further instructions for your phyle.

With respect,

Dark Side Adept Lady Alanna, Krath High Priestess

Dark Side Adept Trevarus Ci-Long Caerick, Oracle

I invite small groups of jedi (suggested battleteams) to carry out their own murder investigation in the form of cooperative writing. The competition will start on Monday, when I will issue MBs (supplied by Jac) to all groups of jedi who wish to participate, and will last for 5 weeks. Sith and Obelisk are also invited to participate.

Therefore, please e-mail me before the end of Sunday (preferably earlier so that Jac has time to set-up the MBs) to let me know if you have a group (preferably 4-8) who wish to join in.

Further instructions and a more detailed explanation of the form of the competition can be found here:


Further details, such as about the victims, will be posted on Monday.


Return of the Muder Mystery League? :P

We definately plan to bring back the MML, but we wanted to have a go at this variant first :-)

Also, I should point out that the 'deaths in the DB' are entirely fictional characters that we've created for the purpose...


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