Clan Scholae Palatinae Consul Named!


Clan Scholae Palatinae Consul Named!

Dark Greetings all,

I apologize for the delay in this. It would have been earlier but for the database problems.

There were a lot of great candidates for this position. FF and I had a terrible time trying o get it down to one. I hope greatly that the other candidates will not be discouraged at all -- you are all great and will definately move up in the DB with continued work!

So with that said, it is my pleasure to announce that the new CSP Consul is KE Numaril AsfÄgeln!

Congratulations! I have confidence that you will do great!

Congratulations Numaril! :D

Congrats dude!

Thanks a lot people, and thanks to the DC for putting confidence in my abilities.
I will do my best!

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