Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Another Week rolls by and its time for my weekly report. smiles evilly

First things first: Shadow Academy is down right now because of some bugs that were found on the tests. So if you go to take tests put them into a word document and save the answers so when the tests are live again you can just copy and paste the answers.

Secondly: The Night Raptors History and Logo competitions are due this friday. Please participate in these two comps gents, you might get lucky and win something. ;)

Third: If you have not already start working on the warm ups for the Fractured Mirror comps. We will need all the participation for that event as we can get because as Jade mentioned in her last report that we will be going up against the Night Hawks in terms of which team is more dominant and the more elite team. Personally I want to be the elite. So step up all of you because I know you want to be as well.

Fourth: After this week if I don't hear from you by my next report I will be sending emails out to see what is going on and why you aren't communicating with me. If I don't hear from you in two weeks you will be kicked off the team. We are to be active people and I will be coming down on those that are not.



Duties as the BTL

Working on Fractured Mirror stuff

In battle with Mitsuhide (ACC)

In battle with Marcus (ACC)


Working on the BT's new armor (I'm excited about this)


Passed IRC Basics

Passed Krath Core


Passed IRC basics



Scroll of Indoctrination


Scroll of INdoctrination

Personal stuff: Well I'm trying to find a job in real life, and what not so I'm on and off of IRC. If I have my afk tag up means I'm more than likely not around but still send a PM. If you need me feel free to email or PM.

JH Fremoc "Demonic" Pepoi

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