Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

**Prophecy Phyle Report

Tetrarch Kant Lavar, Report No. 9

10 June 2009**

Obligatory Monologue

I apologize for the lateness of my report – between (trying to) clear out of my unit to go home, and waiting to see if anyone at all sent in a submission for my little competition, I kept putting this report to the side.

And as you might have gathered from the previous paragraph, the winner of my “Memories” competition is.... nobody, since nobody at all sent in a submission for it. Now, I'm not going to start going crazy over this – yet. But insofar as I can tell, nobody here has done anything in the last week. And maybe it's my fault.

So, if you have any comments at all – good, bad, or indifferent – about my last competition, especially if it regards why you didn't participate, please send me an email off-list about it. This is mainly directed towards the Prophecy guys. (For example, did you not know about it since you don't read my reports?) Anyone else in Arcona that reads my drivel is more than happy to look at it and comment as well, though obviously I know why you didn't participate. I'll then take this feedback and use it to improve my next competition once I get settled in back in Michigan.

In addition, once I get back to Michigan, I'm going to open myself up as a big, fat target. I recently acquired copies of XWA, JO, JA, Battlefront, and Republic Commando, so those, plus EaW I all need to find some practice partners with so I can at least have a fair showing if I sally forth into gaming events. And I always look forward to a good ACC match.

And speaking of getting settled back in Michigan, I'm going on semi-LOA for about two weeks, starting pretty much now. If all goes well, I should be back up much earlier than that, but there's been some issues with my military leave paperwork, and I may be delayed getting out of here. Regardless, within a couple of days I'm going to be getting my internet in my room turned off, which means I'll have to schlep my lazy ass and my little netbook out somewhere to so much as check my email, so while I'll probably still be at least somewhat reachable, it won't be like it is now where I'm pretty much checking my email on a constant basis.

Competitions – Current

  • None

Shadow Academy

  • None.

Awards & Promotions

  • Marick was promoted from Protector to Guardian, and qualified in the ACC.

  • JH Celahir Erinos, DJK Jeric Cyrin, DJK Zakath, GRD Marick, and I received our Seals of Unity for our participation in GJW9.

  • DJK Jeric Cyrin received a Legion of the Scholar for winning an Arcona IRC Trivia Contest.

Closing Babble

As I mentioned, I'll be back home in Michigan within a week. (Hopefully.) I don't have a job lined up yet, but I'm considering the benefits of, combined with my National Guard time, going to school full-time on the Post-9/11 GI Bill and just living off of that income. I'll probably end up talking to a counselor or two about that, both with the VA and with the school, and possibly the local Air National Guard Base Education Center staff, but if anyone else has some protips about which flavor of GI Bill to take, or how to get the most benefit as a full-time student, please feel free to shoot an email at me off-list.

Arcona Invicta!

JH Kant Lavar (Obelisk)/TET/House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona [ACC:CL:1]


Dossier No. 8505

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