Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hey guys! Just a short report here.

First thing I want to talk about is the “Boot Camp” Competitions. I know that a lot of you are busy right now and have lives so I’m not going to put too much pressure on you to participate but If you are able to, then please do. I don’t want Blade of Chaos to beat us!

Also, If you don’t mind, Please email me and let me know which competitions that you submit to when you complete them. That way I will be able to keep up with it myself and know that someone at least is participating.

Second thing. If House Revan gets approved by Muz I will be leaving my position as Battleteam leader and going to the new House. As was said in another report that was put out, it has nothing to do with my lack of loyalty to the house and my desire to go some where else because I dislike you all. I enjoy getting on the IRC and talking with you all that are in the house AND in the clan. I just really need a change right now and I think that this is just the change that I need. I don’t want any rumors to be started. We are all grown ups here and I think that when someone makes a decision everyone should support it. It is not a betrayal.. So don’t look at it like that.

Medals have been handed out from the GJW and ACC matches have been done.. but those all get put in RH’s report so look there if you must know.

Again, I’d like for you all to at least submit something for the Boot Camp Comps that are going on and prove that Banshee Brigade is the best Battleteam! Thank you guys for being a good group of people.

-Anarya Elvendar


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