Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Hey there, Cestus! This'll be a brief report, but here goes:

The Run-on!

The RO, is general, is going well; the story is being fleshed out, and we're just getting to the good part. Only problem: Where mah posts at, homies? But seriously, I've noticed that the RO posting is a little slow. I'm aware that due to real life business, people keep putting off posts. But guys, we once did a joint RO with eight contributing posters and we got to 42 posts (not including the epilogue posts). While this run-on can be shorter, I'd like to see more in it. Unfortunately, because we're not getting a lot of posts, we gotta push the plot forward very quickly to make the deadline. So post while you can before the big action happens.

The deadline for RO posts, remember, is July 5th, a week after tomorrow.


Commander Welshman has been kind enough to flesh out four competitions for all you members of Cestus's battle team. They all look great and provide a lot of outlets for creativity concerning the battle team's set-up, armour, look, and purpose. Welsh already sent out a report to the Nightwraiths with the urls ot the competition; to save space, I'm just going to tell you all to look at the competitions listing on the main site's webpage. That, or recheck Welsh's e-mail.

Anything else?

Um...not really. Just a hearty congrats to Nami for becoming a Guardian (enjoy that warbanner!). I know Cestus has pretty much been busy with the RO and not much else, but I hope to see more posts in the final week. Maybe we can go to 43 posts and beat out the last RO's length.

-OT Ronovi Tavisaen (Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum

Follow-up: Almost forgot! While any new battles for "The Art of Battle" can no longer be given, I'd like to see those battles be wrapped up. If it takes too long, I'll just ask the CM to time them out and hand out the victories accordingly. Gotta get those medals out soon, so start wrapping up!

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