Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


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I activated our two cells today, Echo and Sierra. Email Sarin and I if you're interested in running one. Here's some info:

Echo: The Elite Clandestine Cell within House Revan. Echo conducts activities under a model where if successful, they are completely unknown to their adversary. If at any time Echo is compromised they cease all operational activity and re-establish activity in a non-related theater of operations.

Sierra: The Sleeper Cell within House Revan. Sierra is an isolated group of sleeper agents who attempt to infiltrate networks and organizations until they are activated to conduct terror attacks or sabotage. This cell acts in a covert capability, where the enemy knows something is happening, but they cannot identify who is conducting the attack or sponsoring it

Real-world, we're going to mirror Echo as the "more active" cell. These would be the hard-core competitors in any vendetta, etc. we can count on. Drop of a hat, they are ready to perform. Sierra, like in the fictional account, is a sleeper cell. Real-world, these are people with maybe a little less time. Still active, but where you might want to sit when real life gets busy, etc. and the members who might need a little more time getting spun up for something or won't be able to contribute quite as much.

No way is this to say either cell can only do xyz. Just distinguishes who currently has plenty of free time to help us compete and who might not be so readily available.

Character Backstory

These have been coming in, thanks. I have a handful but will need most or all before we integrate them for the House history. Just needs to be your characters thoughts, feelings, etc. Where he/she was at the end of the war, what lead them here or opened the idea to them.


We're going to maintain two articles at first: the Prospectus and the primary Independent House Revan article. The Prospectus will gradually expand as we go. The House article has a page but no content. When we have everyone's backstory covering the end of GJW 9 til now, a story will be written bringing it all together. From that we'll summarize this recent "history" of our House and wikify it.


We have one. It doesn't do anything yet but look cool. Yet.


We also have private forums here: http://www.houserevan.com/forum


The House has decided to blame Archangel, aka "Archnagel" for the channel not getting registered last week. Even though I was the one who corrected the typo that wasn't a typo, I feel comfortable assigning the blame to Archnagel, hereafter known as "Failnagel".

Registration is underway again so watch out for the vote thing.

Left Hand of Justice

Our own Arion Aquillarum Sunrider will pull a six month tour as LHoJ. This is relevant to you if you are in House Revan and/or are accused of something untoward.

Nice job, Arion. And if your client is accused of cloning and he tells you his sister did it, use another defense.


Going to send out a test email at some point in the near future to make sure everyone is getting all the mails. Sometimes googlegroups act up. Do me a favor and respond to that when you see it.


If anyone gets a solid idea for one of these, email Sarin and I. What we'd like to do is stay away from the low-hanging fruit of things like caption contests and go with a little more quality over quantity. We're Equite-heavy as it is, so let's think outside the box a little.


One of our number submitted this really nice original art as a wallpaper. Hopefully we'll create some more Revan-themed swag for you guys.

Revan Wallpaper


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