Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greetings House Marka Ragnos

I grace you with another fine report. Much has happened in the past week and it feels like things are in a constant whirlwind. It is a good thing though. We have some new faces and some well deserved people have been recognized so let me get those out of the way first.


Our Beloved Manji was awarded the Amethyst Kukri for his exceptional efforts in our House and Clan. This is a huge achievement. Congratulations.

Valorian was awarded the Dark Cross for his assistance to the Night Raptors.


Bal Demona has proven himself worthy to the Clan and the Brotherhood and has been received as a Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations Bal.

Osaka Kresh has started off well and is promoted to Novice.

Alue has also taken the first steps and is promoted to Novice.

Shadow Academy Courses Passed

Ryuk has taken education seriously and has passed History of the Sith Empire III, History of the Sith Empire II, Old Republic History, and Pre-Republic History. Keep up the good work.

Nix Graves has passed Conflict mediation. Well done.

House News

So its just about time. The Disciples of Ragnos is nearly complete and due to be announced this week. The lovely Quaestor will make the official announcement. We will keep you updated on how to get involved and stay involved in what is sure to be a great, ongoing activity.

Jade has some interesting things going on in the form of competitions.

Most notably is the House's New Motto. If there was ever a time to leave your mark..this is it! Just send in your submission to myself and Jade and we will look them over.

Clan News

The position of Rollmaster has once again been made a Clan Summit position as opposed to two House positions. Manji after doing a fantastic job as our Rollmaster was selected for this honor. Congratulations go to him.

Our Consul has several on going competitions in progress including one for Gaming, ACC matches and even for most Shadow Academy courses.

For a full list of these and all other competitions copy/paste the link below.

A Positive Outlook

The last few weeks have shown some interesting occurrences in our House and Clan not all of them good ones. I already touched on the cloning issues last week so this week I want to touch on "stirring the pot."

Stirring the pot is essentially an activity when a person plants a seed of doubt, or negative connotation in those around them in order to create discord for their own ends. Other common terms are muck raking, witch hunting, and down right slander and libel.

Bottom line as far as I am concerned is that this sort of activity is abuse. It is detrimental to the community and while it may serve one to get ahead all the rest will fall behind. It is selfish, immature, derogatory, and down right wrong. It spoils the fun for everyone.

Do not do it.

If anyone feels like they are a victim of such a thing, please feel free to come to me or another summit member and discuss this. Every member has the right to enjoy themselves and all that the DB has to offer without the horrid things mentioned above.

If you are someone who partakes in the above activities I encourage you to reconsider your activities and re-evaluate why you are here in the DB in the first place.

Remember everyone this place is about fun and enjoying the expanded fiction of Star Wars that you help to create. Anything else is hogwash. Always have fun here. If you have a problem please approach it in a mature manner and discuss it with one of your leaders. Do not allow bad feelings and sentiments to fester.


Once again thank you all for doing such a fine job here in Marka Ragnos. Stay tuned for the good things coming up because they are coming up fast. Also do not hesitate to come to us with ideas that you may have. 9 times out of 10 I am willing to take a plunge on a crazy scheme. So let me know.

KP Zaxen Isradia

HMR Aedile

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