Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Hello and welcome to the latest news from the front!

Clan News

Latest reports from private channels show us that a RO is currently running on the DB Forums, at the moment Etah, Timeros, Legz and myself are about to dress up in eyepatches and wear peg legs to disguise ourselves as pirates. But everyone knows that ninjas are better. Ask Dash, the Naruto freak. :P

Visit the RO here and participate:

Timmy has warned us that Strat and himself have gotten pissed off their tits and decided to torture us all to death over the summer holidays, as if fucking our mothers isn't torment enough.

Brotherhood News

There's a HM report out where Aabs informs us that EPs are pretty much turned into Docents and there will now be Professors grading multiple exams. He's looking for professors and assistant professors at the moment.

Here are the requirements.

-At least the rank of Jedi Hunter

-72 hour email turnaround, 48 hour turnaround preferred - you MUST be able to grade all exams in the department within a reasonable amount of time

-Have passed all courses in the department with at least 90% - as this is a new system, I am going to allow to you retake those courses you need to. Thus, if you want to apply for Flight Studies, but have an 86% in Astronomy, retake soon.-Must have ideas for improving the courses in the department. Include in the application what you like, don't like, want to change, the usual stuff.

Finally, keep in mind that these are larger positions with more responsibility, but they reward greater. If you wish to take one of them, you should be expecting to hold that position for an extended period of time. These positions are not temporary. If something is going to come up in six months, do not bother applying.

If you would like to apply for an Assistant Professor position, which will not have full-time duties, but will be expected to step up when asked, you should be at least the rank of Guardian with a good number of Academy courses already passed.

House News

So yeah, i finally finished the HQD Temple to Legz's satisfaction, only thing i can do to please the guy. (He's hard to please, any suggestions on how to please a man, send them to Timmy, as he's starting to show interest in my father now. :s)


No promotions this week unfortunately, seems the latest flock of newcomers are inactive. Which is a damned shame.


Nice to see several newcomers to HQD, welcome to the sexiest House in Arcona. Why? Cause Tim is no longer Gaylere's QUA. Sucks to be a Galerean. :P

Welcome: Van Wyck and Solitarywitch.


Woot, several medals this week. With a nice merit medal for myself for being a suckup. Well done to all who placed in Strat's competition.

Sang: Steel Cross and Crescent with Topaz Star

Legz: Crescent with Sapphire Star

Shadow Academy

Congrats to Jeric, Legz and myself in passing the ESET course which was offered for one week only in the SA, 10 people graduated this course, it's great to see that almost a third of those were in HQD. Expect another course on offer nearer christmas. I do suggest doing these exams when they become available, they do help you with promotions.


Just one competition running at the moment, Tim is running another goddamn shitty Bounty Hunter wannabe competition. I'm a real fan. :P Watch your email inboxes for updates and more competitions like this due to Strat and Timmy wanting us to suffer.


So i recently got a job, which means that my time is now divided between the DB, work, RL and being a massive asshole to people. Tough stuff to be sure, but just send me an email and i'll reply within 24 hours. :P

Because of this, i've not had much time for spammage, but i do have one little gem and that is that i made a CP member cry by saying i was no longer talking to them. How's that for hardcore meanage? :P

Yours in wanting to one-up Tim.


DJK Sanguinius Tsucyra (Obelisk)/AED/Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC: CL:1]

GC / SC / DC-SP / SN / Cr-1R-1S-1E-3T / CF / SI-BL / LS / S:-8U


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