Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Good day Cestus,

The Aedile slams a heavy fist on the podium as he stands high above an anxious crowd of Dark Jedi. Looking over the eager crowed, the Knight speaks “A storm is on the horizon, the drama and chaos following the attack on the city of Eden consumes our attentions yet we must remain vigilant and prepared for anything or anyone who may dare challenge our supremacy. Rumors fill the corridors of the Corsair as members conspire amongst themselves, always reaching for more power but being kicked by down by this summit’s iron boot.” Pauses and laughs for a moment. ”However this is the way of the Dark Jedi, always moving, looking for that one thing that will give them the edge. This give and take goes on through every house and every clan, each striving to be ahead of others. Remember who you are always, however maintain your loyalties. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. Never give up, never surrender”.

I hope my little speech pumped everyone up, if not, I’ll work on that  Another week has come and gone, take a step back and evaluate what you have done with it, what have you accomplished, what do you need work on still. Taking that step back helps to focus your mind on what matters to you, and perhaps what doesn’t

Lets get on with the report:

Brotherhood News & Competitions:

*Rite of Supremacy coming – January 2010.

**For those who do know what this is, here is the link to the wiki:

  • Report Header for DGM – Graphics Competitions – Ends 8/30/2009

Clan News & Competitions:

*The Renegade Theft – Multiple Competitions – Ends 8/16/2009

**2 Fiction Events

**1 Graphics Event

**Gaming Events


House News & Competitions:

Current Roster: 24 total members

Elders: 2

Equites: 9

Journeymen: 13

Journeymen, the first weeks are the most critical for you. This club is truly what you put into in. You put a lot in and be active, you will be rewarded with promotions and shiny medals; however, if your not active then you will eventually be moved the rogues. Your summit does not want to see that happen. Each member can contribute and make a difference.

That’s all I have for this week, have a great week Cestus!

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