Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

-August 6th 2009-

Report five: Revisionism
1. News of the Weird
2. Roster & Awards
3. Competitions
4. Raven's Random Ramblings

News of the Weird

I think for most of us this has been a busy week, I know it has been for me. However, I think it's only going to get worse. No rest for the weary, ya'know?

I ran up a competition for ya'all, and I'm working on another. I hope everyone has fun with it. It's a pretty bland format, so imput is welcome, I want to know what everyone likes to do, so I can cator to your tastes a bit. Mail me.

I also put up a post in the run-on, and intend to make another soon. If you're confused about where you are, look to mine and Yliths posts, who are both covering the events of the Night Hakws.

The real big project for the next few weeks comes from Quaestor Jade, and I've even expanded on it. Ylith, Kalei, and Bal are already in touch. The idea here is a complete revamp of the Night Hawks team, fictionally. Ylith is working with the wiki, and Kalei and Bal have offered assistance for the video. However we need writers to help redo the fictional background for the team. I'm also considering bringing back the Battleteam Ranks, and I'd like input on that, mail me what you think about bringing back ranks, or cach me on IRC.

**Roster & Awards**  

Bal Demona picks up a Crescent with Emerald Star this week.

KAP Raven  
DJK Bal Demona  
DJK Kalei Basai  
SBM Ylith  
DJK Ekeia Iclo  


Stil quite a few competitions out there.

[Dirty Little Secrets](  
[Trivia for Everyone](  
[Mythology Class](  
[The Konus Challenge - Written Segment](  
[ The Konus Challenge - Ground Segment](  
[Champion of Sadow II](  
[Sadow Training II](  

Report header for DGM
Brotherhoood Puzzle Master
Apples to Apples
HMR has Talent
Tactics: Silence (BT event)

Fallout - Feud Run-on
Operation Rurouni - Journeymen Only Run-on

**Raven's Random Ramblings**  

My family's gone for the week. Been fun but I actually have to do things! wtf!

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