Consul Report


Consul Report

Report #12 – August 15, 2009



  • It has already been announced, but I thought I would just take a moment and welcome Starrett to the Summit team. He's taken over as Aedile of Ektrosis and is already hard at work getting our newer members promoted while jumping in on some other projects.

  • If you have been reading the Dinaari reports, you may see there are changes afoot...stay tuned for more information insert ominous music here

  • Give a big welcome to Anethi Fox, who has joined us the Clan recently. I would also like to give a shout-out to Aquilus Letum, who has been an active member of the Clan since joining us recently.

  • Both Vodo and myself should be around at the same time from now on...our two schedules just happened to leave us away from the Clan at opposite times. However, we should both be around and visible to the Clan

  • It has been a quiet week otherwise, although there are a number of little projects being worked on behind-the-scenes. There are a number of areas for anyone to lend a hand in, so the only thing holding anyone back is their own initiative. If you want to lend a hand, and create a lasting piece of Taldryan history or lore, please contact your Summit and ask them what they need help on. Those who step up and help out the Clan are very much noticed and rewarded for their efforts, while opening up many more doors of opportunity for them.


  • There were a few reports released this week on the DB news site. The largest (and most imporant :P) was the GM report. In that report Muz went through the entire Dark Council, letting us know some of the projects that they are currently working on. Because of all of the information contained within, I highly suggest you read the entire report, if you haven't already. Also announced in the report was that CNS is now looking for a Consul and Strategos is the new CON of Arcona (...)

  • In the Gaming Tribune report, there is a chance to be awarded more CFs if you mail him at a certain time of the day with your matches. Check out the report for exact details. Othewise, all quite on the gaming front.

  • The Combat Master is back from her 3-4 week LoA due to computer issues. Her first order of business was to create a new rank for the ACC and changed everyone's ACC rank to the new one if you haven't had a battle since the GJW. You can mail the CM directly and ask to have your rank returned to "normal" (BTW, if you know what a "Tertiarus" is, please let me know)

  • The DGM has put out a little competition revolving around creating a report header for him. If interested, create your graphic and send it to the DGM before August 30th

  • The MAA is on a bit of a vacation for a week. Everything will still be processed, but it may take a bit longer for him to respond back to any mails that are sent his way

Brotherhood News - Clicky, clicky


Weekly Gaming Events & Competitions Page - Our own website holds all information

Gaming Servers Page - Wiki Page has what you need

DB-Wide Events

<li>Report Header for DGM (Ends on 08/30)

<li> Gaming Nights (Everyday in #dbgaming)

<li> ICTE Gaming (Every Saturday in #outerrim)

Clan-Wide Events

<li> Taldryan Trivia (Ends on 12/31)

<li> Hunt the Jedi (Ends on 08/30)

<li> The Enemy (Ends on 08/30)

House Dinaari Events

<li>Domius Sicarius (Ends 12/31)

House Ektrosis Events

<li>AEDs Challenge(Ends 10/05)

<li>Look at the Past (Ends 08/30)


If there are certain competitions you would like to see, or enjoy participating in, let me know and I'll see what I can do


Transferred In

<li> APP Anethi Fox to House Ektrosis from the Deneba Campus

Transferred Out

<li> None


<li> Aquilus Letum has been promoted to Acolyte

<li> Lokasena "Sena" Corvinus has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star

<li> Alanna Taldrya has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star

<li> James StarGazer has been awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star

<li> Hel-Pa Taldrya Sklib has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star

<li> Aquilus Letum has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star

<li> Dark Sabre Taldrya has been awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star

Another few good weeks of medals and promotions. Remember, be active and you will be rewarded! Congratulations to everyone above for their well-earned rewards


If you read Muz's report, you will notice that he had mentioned it is currently pretty slow for the DB in general. Going over the reports from other Clans and Houses, you get confirmation on that fact. There are always ups and downs in terms of activity in the DB. Of course in the summer, many people go on vacation and just do more in their own RLs, that takes away from their time in the DB. While I know it's not "summer" for everyone in the club, the majority of its members are on the Northern hemisphere, so for the bulk of us this is the time to go out and have some fun away from the computer. As people start spending a little more time at home, the activity in the club will continue to to rise.

As my mini "rant" for the week (should probably have a "Rant" header :P), I thought I would just touch a bit upon what should be expected from a leader in the DB. There are different types of "leaders", but generally if you're in charge of a group of people, you are a leader. I have seen a number of different leadership styles during my time in the DB, and I've molded my own take on some of my first leaders. I was lucky in that I had some very effective leaders who were able to show respect for those under them, and truly guide them in their respective clubs. One of the things they excelled at was maitaining a level of maturity when dealing with others. For the past few years in the DB there has been a very real lack of maturity shown between Clans, and even within Clans. In most cases, these actions stem right from the leadership...others do what their "leaders" do. We all need rivals and "enemies", and I'm not looking for everyone to suddenly hold hands and make-up, many of the actions taken go too far. Clan cultures then become a "them vs. us" mentality, skewing everyone's outlook on how the rest of the DB operates. Do not be a others and learn for yourselves who people are and if they're really bad or good. We all have your own views, but you must all learn for yourselves what is right and what is wrong. Real leaders do this for themselves, instead of parroting what others tell them to. They ensure the longevity of the club, by not pushing everyone else away. Do not be one of the leaders who are only out for themselves and pull everyone else down around them...and helps no one.

That’s it from me this week. Enjoy!

~ Important Links ~

Clan Taldryan | Clan Codex | Competitions Page | IRC Guide

Dark Jedi Brotherhood | Antei Combat Center | Shadow Academy

Message Boards | DJB Wikipedia | Dark Side Codex

~ Summit Members ~

Consul Halcyon Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Proconsul Aedile Vodo Biask Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Quaestor Tarax Eosphoros Taldrya Kor ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Aedile Corax "Baron" Zarjin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Quaestor Shaz'air "Sidarace" Rathden ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Aedile Starrett ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server

IP Address:

Password: Talpwnz

For Taldryan,

Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Taldrya

Sith Lord, Consul of Clan Taldryan

Planetary Viceroy of Kaltace, Regent of the Kr'Tal System


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