Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

**Prophecy Phyle Report

Tetrarch Kant Lavar, Report No. 13

24 August 2009**

Obligatory Monologue

Surprisingly, I have received no challenges via the ACC. Perhaps folks thought it was for my own battleteam only. It was not – I need the practice myself, so I don't give a hoot in hell who I'm fighting.

Also on the horizon is Star Wars: The Old Republic. As Jac noted on the news page, IGN posted some videos actually showing some of the features of the game. It looks good for an alpha build – to me, it looks like their dev team lifted the conversation interace wholesale from Mass Effect if this sort of style is typical of what they use, then this could be very good. (Just watch for lots of aliens speaking Huttese, I bet.) Keep your fingers crossed on this one, kids. Personally, I plan to watch for opportunities to beta test (like I am for Champions Online – not a bad game, if you were wondering – and will for Star Trek Online and, with luck, Stargate Worlds.

Competitions – Current

  • Clan RO – Breaking Point - The new chapter in the summer RO is up on the forums. Do eet! Do eet now!

Shadow Academy

  • PRT Tol Ziveri passed Obelisk Core with a 100%, Capital Starships with a 100%, Grammar with a 91%, and Force Philosophy. He was also awarded a Dark Maven degree in Flight.

  • JH Martumal was awarded a Dark Maven degree in Force Philosopy.

Awards & Promotions

  • Martumal was promoted from Jedi Hunter to Dark Jedi Knight! Drinks on him this week!

<s>Closing Babble</s> Shameless Plug

I don't know if anyone else is going, but if you happen to be attending Dragon*Con 2009 in a couple weeks... it's comin' from the frakkin' Sheraton!

Start the clock! Dragon*Con's 2009 BATTLESTAR GALACTICA PARTY, hosted by The Colonial Fleet and American Sci-Fi Media wants you to come and join the frakkin' celebration! We're looking to give the show a proper farewell and raise some money for charity! We are featuring props & items that will benefit the Georgia Chapter of the American Alzheimer’s Association. BSG costumes are highly encouraged - wear your Colonial best and come celebrate the weekend with your favorite frakkers! Humans and Cylons welcomed!

The Colonial Fleet is a unique family of "Battlestar Galactica" fans that fondly considers Dragon*Con its home away from home. Come join us on SATURDAY NIGHT at the SHERATON ATLANTA GRAND BALLROOM. Skids up at 2200 HOURS (10 PM)! Only requirement for entry is your Dragon*Con badge.

Video of the Moment

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

I'd be willing to bet a lot of you have seen this already, but it's pretty funny. (And Olivia Wilde's version of The Baroness is just silly hot.)

Arcona Invicta!

JH Kant Lavar (Obelisk)/TET/House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona [ACC:CL:1]


Dossier No. 8505

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