Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

The young Twi’lek walked to the door of her new office with her bag heavy in her arms. She placed them on the floor outside the door and opened it. The room was small but bigger the acumination she was used to. She noticed that the wooden desk in front of her was already leaden with a large pile of papers.

“So much for settling in,” She signed picking up her bags and placing them in the room she would now call home. The Twi’lek walked over to the chair behind the desk and sat down in It. She studied the room around her before looking down at the desk and sighing deeply once more. She picked up a pile of the paperwork and started the read through them.


This is my first attempted at writing a Battle Team Leader report so I do miss anything or anyone out I apologise. I would like to thank Alaris, Viv, Cethgus and Ood for giving me this opportunity to be Battle Team Leader for Blade’s of Kun.


On the news side of things today marks the sad day that our Quaestor Cethgus Kuga has resigned from his position. There is nothing more that we can say other than thank you for leading the House through the House Feud and making Exar Kun victorious. You will be sadly missed by all of Exar Kun and I wish you luck in the future.


Even though she’s not in our Battle Team I would like to congratulate Octavia Kuga for reaching the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.


Clan competitions

Title: [Plagueis] Legacy of a Sith

Requested By: OP Alaris Jinn di Plagia

Specifics: You have been order by your Clan Summit to retrieve an artifact that is rumoured to be connected to the former King of Antei, Okemi.

Where is it hidden? What gets in your way? Is it truly connected to Okemi?

3 Page Minimum

12 pt in Times New Roman

Start Date: 8/20/2009

End Date: 9/3/2009

Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis

Platforms: .RTF, .DOC, .DOCX

E-mailed to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Awards: 3rd Level Crescents

House Competitions

Title: Poetic Justice

Requested By: KP Ood Bnar Sythe'rae

Specifics: write a poem (any form) on any aspect of House Exar Kun. Creativity is endless: you can pick format, delivery, anything (I once saw a GJW-submission poem which had it's words turned into a spiral (imagine drawing a spiral but instead of using a line, using words of the poem)). Send submissions to Ood (email to be found on the site

Start Date: 8/23/2009

End Date: 9/3/2009

Unit in Competition: House Exar Kun

Platforms: writing, graphics

Awards: 4th level crescents Comments: As long as the words are legible i will grade it.

Battle Team Competitions

There are currently no competitions being run for the Battle Team, but I am planning to start some soon.


Although there is not much going on for the Battle Team at the moment don’t worry there will be plenty of competitions and things to keep you busy very soon. If you need anything from me or if you have an question be feel free to email me and I’ll get back to you as soon I can.

Serving in Darkness


GRD Inarya (Krath)/TET/Exar Kun of Plagueis [ACC: CL:1]

AC-ToSH / DC / SN / Cr-1S-1E-1T / CF-GF / S:-5U

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