Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Phoenix Phyle Report #26

First off, let me apologise for things being so quiet over the last month or so, real life caught up with me for a bit, so I haven’t been as active as I should, and for that I’m sorry! Things in Ekky have generally been a bit quiet over the last month, with a few competitions coming and going without a lot of fuss....but get yourselves ready to move up a gear now people are settling back into school and getting themselves sorted!

There’s one new comp out alreadyfor you to participate in, and many more on the horizon, so get those creative juices flowing! And I have to say I’m looking forward to seeing which of our four Jedi Hunters will earn their sabre first!!


Halc has stepped down from his role as Consul, having given us another great run, so huge thanks again to him for stepping into the breech once more, and I look forward to him coming back again some time!


Bubbles: Crescent with Quartz Star x 2 (3rd place in wk 4 of Hunt the Jedi + 3rd place in James’ Funny Pictures comp)


Revenge: Write a minimum 1 page fiction about a time your character lusted for, or exacted, revenge, and how that made them feel....full details on the competitions page, this one is running for 2 weeks, entries to me and CC Sid and Starrett


JH Zasati Tryezsh

KP Lokasena Corvinus

JH Quintan Tylax

DJM Alanna Taldrya

JH James Stargazer

JH Asani Vosa

That’s it for now!

KE Bubbles

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