Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

-September 19th 2009-

Report eight: Survivalism
1. News of the Weird
2. Roster & Awards
3. Competitions
4. Raven's Random Ramblings

News of the Weird

I've not released a report for awhile now because there hasn't honestly been much to report on. However, there are some new, and very important developments going on now.

Everyone in this team needs to concern themselves with the upcoming AWOL check. You each need to send an email to Fremoc and Jade by September23rd. However I'm taking this a bit further. If you don't send me an email in response to this report letting me know you are here and reading these, then I'll have you removed from the BT.

It's pretty easy to understand - if you're not going to at least read reports, the primary form of communication between a leader and the membership, you don't deserve a place in this team.

Again, I'm encouraging everyone to meet me and the clan on IRC, in channels #naga_sadow and now, #nighthawks. If you have any questions about how to use IRC, feel free to ask me, Fremoc, or Jade, or any of the other leadership in the clan.

Roster & Awards

Two new members in the last two weeks, Devious, who's new to the DB, and Maturnal, an old friend of mine. Welcome to both of you.

  KAP Raven  
  DJK Bal Demona  
  DJK Kalei Basai  

APP Devious
SBM Ylith Atema
DJK Ekeia Iclo
PRT Kyrath Amaranthi
DJK Maturnal
ACO Savix Zuuran
NOV Ilse Sana
NOV Raidius
NOV Mark'Kai


The Fued's over but I'm still battling it out for ACC wins, fighting Raistlin, and our own Consul Manji, if I win my Co-op match, I'll be fighting HLK QUA Sai as well. Talk about taking on the world.

The next report, on wednesday, will include two new competitions from me, one ACC based, one for this BT only, which will be focused on BT and character development.

Jade is also running a new competition that basically is a race to see who is the most active in a traditional sense, and for any of you graphics nuts, like myself, Fremmy our AED needs some report headers. Bob's still running his clanwide activity comps as well.

On a final note, don't forget to CC me all submissions via email so I can track your progress, it's essential to getting promotions and rewards, as well as making it throught the AWOL check.

  [Trivia for Everyone](  
  [ACC Quick Skirmish Competition](  
  [A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words](  
  [ Operation Black Train](  
  [Champion of Sadow II](  
  [Sadow Training II](  
[Aedile Report Banner/Headers](  
[Brotherhoood Puzzle Master](  

  **Raven's Random Ramblings**  

Thing just don't stop getting more and more hectic in my life, and if any of my recent job applications go through, it's only going to get worse. I'm going for a very long workout right after this report, and hopefully I can forget stress for at least an hour. Wish me luck, haha.

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