Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report


-> ### Recent News <-

We've got several things on the Brotherhood Scale.

After working hard on the RPG system we've all been hearing so much about, our T:F, Ludy is starting the first DB RPG runon. It will be open to anyone, from the lowliest Apprentice to the most powerful Grandmaster. This first one is mostly to acclimate everyone to how the system will work. If you're interested, sign up <A HREF"=">HERE.

Also, Muz has released a new <A HREF"=">report, including some tantalizing new hints of future developments.

The Chamber of Justice is taking applications for the Right Hand of Justice. If you'd like some experience outside CP (and a great DB resume builder), make sure you've met the requirements and apply.

In our great Clan, Kaira Rohana has taken up the post as HSK Rollmaster. Also, Koga and Fang have put together a nice event for the month of October, including a runon and sporadic competitions. Don't let their hard work go unnoticed, and take advantage of the opportunity for medals.

<center### Logistical Info


We welcome Eridanis Aquila, Sceleratus, Tan'po Shaine, solarsicarian, DarthCheza, and Final Biscuit in from the Shadow Academy. Should you see any of them, please give them a kind word and point them in the right direction.


Eradanis: Brotherhood Basics, Lightsaber Studies, Pre-Republic History, Old Republic History

Onteron: Obelisk Core

The SA is the easiest and quickest way for a new member to quickly advance in rank. Many of the SA exams only take about half an hour, and you could be well on your way to a promotion. The SA is designed to help new members acclimate themselves with the DB in general. There are courses that will bring you up to speed on all our major modes of communication, tell you what's acceptable and what isn't. Also, the SA helps you learn the relevant parts of the SW universe without you having to read through hundreds of pages of SW cannon. Older members, this doesn't mean that once you reach DJK you should forget about the SA. For example: if you plan on trying to land a spot as the Justicar or one of his Hands, you're going to need to complete the exhaustive Chamber of Justice I course. Also, don't forget about the Dark Side Degrees, which look very good on an Equite promotion recommendation.


Several battles going on right now, but no judgements. Take advantage of the ACC. I know the rules can seem complicated, but it's the one venue where you can beat on another DB member with no repercussions. If you don't know where to start, we have a stellar Clan Trainer in Impetus, who'll be more than willing to help you out.


Arcadian: Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Fang: Anteian Cross, CrA

Kaira: CrS x 2


Eridanis: APP-> NOV

The Last Words

I want to spend this time talking about what makes a leader. Contrary to what you might think, being a leader does not mean being in a position of leadership. Alaris is not a leader because he's the Consul. Kaira is not a leader because she got appointed as the new Rollmaster. The leaders of this Clan are the leaders because they lead. Having trouble seeing the difference? Consider this: A leader is not defined by the position. They -like the rest of us- are defined only by their actions. A leader of the Clan is one who goes out of their way to help better the Clan for the rest of us, whether they are in a formal position or not. A leader sees something they can fix, someone they can help, and they fix it; they help them.

Maybe you're curious about how we decide on a new Aedile, or Rollmaster, when we've got an opening. The truth is, that more often than not, the member we pick has been a leader since long before they applied for the position. They are the ones that are active on IRC, they're the ones who's names show up again and again in the middle of my reports because they're consistently participating in the competitions, and taking SA exams even though it's not "required" for their promotion, they're the ones that come to us asking to host a competition or runon, even though they don't have to. Hell, they're the one that come to us for no other reason than to talk. I challenge each and every one of you to make our next AED, QUA, RM, whatever, appointment process difficult.

If you want to be a leader, don't wait for a position to open up. Lead.

Battlemaster Vivackus Kavon

_Proconsul of Clan Plagueis

Lieutenant Supreme Commander; Jusadih Armed Forces_

SW Vivackus Kavon (Sith)/QUA/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:3]

SC / AC / DC-CP / SN / Cr-6A-3S-6E-5T-7Q / CF / SoL / LS-BL / S:-9Rm


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