Aedile Report


Aedile Report

And another AED Report released!


-And if you don't know what Ludy is talking about as far as the Roleplaying Resources guide that she mentions on the first post, that can be found at:

-If you all are wanting DB News, that's what the DB main page is for! =P

-Halloween is drawing near and we got a whole slew of competitions for y'all to participate in! Details are below!

-There's an informal AWOL check going on atm, so if you haven't responded, email me and Etah, letting us know what's going on with your life atm! Nothing big, but if you're busy with RL and such, we'll like to know so that we're reassured that you just haven't lost interest in the DB and such! And if you have lost interest, email us that too so that we can talk about how we can help you have fun here again!


-Halloween Trivia-

Show up every weekend in #arcona and answer some scary questions from Sang, and the top two places in each trivia get Legions of Scholars! Easy medals if your fingers are fast enough! Comp's running from 10/3 to 10/31!

-Trick or Treat-

Halloween isn’t complete without a fancy dress party, we’re inviting you to dress up your summit in their Sunday best or put Strat in a Fairy Princess costume. That’s Strat, Braecen, Legz, Sang, Kant, Etah, Celahir, JScumm, and of course me! From the platform details, it looks like Sang's wanting a story of the Summit in their costumes at a Halloween party, so knock yourselves out making us look totally silly! 4th level crescents to the top three placed! Runs from 10/2 to 10/16

-Halloween Flash Games-

Each week, Sang emails out a flash game, and you send the results to both me and Sang, and the top three places of each week gets a shiney 4th level crescent! Easy as pie! Runs from 10/1 to 10/31

-Footsteps in the Dark-

Halloween's a time to share scary legends, ghostly hauntings, and in general, horror stories! Arcona's got its share of spooky stories and we like you to write them! As long as it has a spooky theme to it, anything goes! A min of 2 pages is required, but there's no max! Third level crescents to the top three places! Runs from 10/1 to 10/15!

-Wiki Enhancement - Fighting Styles-

That rising star of HQD, Driftan Housan, is running a competition in which you get to expand upon your character's DB-Wikipedia entry by expanding upon your background! The key element is to explain how your character chose the fighting styles that you have listed on your character sheets! Email Driftan and the House/Clan summit with the details that you added to your Wiki entry, and have fun! A min of two paragraphs is required, but not limited to such! Forth level crescents to the top three! Runs from 10/9 to 11/6!


Be sure to post in the Run-On that we are currently running! It is a great way to have some character development happen, and we are still in the early stages of the story, so it should be easy to insert yourself into the story! This is a great way to help create and develop some more of our Clan's back story, and there are even some medals involved to boot for some of the greater RPers, so participate! And the RO's creator, Sashar Erinos (AKA Dash) has promised to post something pushing the RO along, so hopefully that'll help you guys to write a post with you guys knowing a bit more of what's going on!

You can find the RO at

And that concludes my report for this week! Have fun everyone!

DJK Zakath (Sith)/AED/Galeres of Arcona [ACC: CL:1]

SC-SoF / DC-BP / BN-AgL / Cr-1D-1A-1E / CF / LS-BL / S:-3U


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