Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report


(Little plug for Impetus M'Nar, she made the picture of Kaira in my banner, forgot to say that last week. Thank you Impetus M'Nar.)

<font size="4">Paper work was behind Kaira right now. There was still a lot to do each day but there were more pressing matters at hand to deal with. One such matter was the master-student program. She had spoken with Kal frequently about this matter and how to make sure all the new members of their house were taken care of. Kaira wanted each new student to learn quickly so they could take care of themselves. You never knew when a war or a battle of some kind would pop up around here. So for now she sat at her desk going over rosters and setting things up to make the house work better for everyone. </font>

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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">There seemed to be quite a bit of news on the main page of the Brotherhood. If you don’t look there much I would advise you to start. You might just learn a few things about other Clans and their hard work as well as your own.

Our Halloween Clan contests are still going strong. I would love to see more of you posting on the forums in the run on. If you have questions about the run on see Fang or Koga they are in charge of that.

As a house we are still working on the master student pairings and I will inform you on more of that in the master student area of this report. </font>

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<font size="4"><bold>DB Contests</bold></font>


The Inter Club Training Event or ICTE is held every Saturday from 12am to 12am on #outerrim. Remember to report your scores to this web site for the ICTE gaming.

<font size="4"><bold>Clan Contests</bold></font>

<font color="#FF6600">Halloween Horror Nights going on!</font>

Music Of The Night

Halloween Mug Shot

Stories Of The Night

Carve a Pumpkin

Halloween Coloring Contest

Whack O Wheen

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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">There are a number of match’s underway. If you wish read your fellow house and Clan members battling each other head on over to the ACC to check it out.

Here are just a few of the battles you could check out.

Kal Vorrac vs. Cassandra El'sin

Vivackus Kavon vs. Alaris Jinn di Plagia

Alaris Jinn di Plagia vs. Kaira Rohana

Vivackus Kavon vs. Cassandra El'sin

Kal Vorrac vs. Mograine

Kal Vorrac vs. Kaira Rohana

Kal Vorrac vs. Fang Ao Tian

Eridanis Aquila has had her Character sheet approved. Good work Eridanis. Another member ready to start battling. Good luck. </font>

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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">There are a lot of medals this week!</font>

<font color="#800517"><font size="4">Mograine: 1 Sapphire Star</font>

<font color="#571B7e"><font size="4">Kodais Solatus: 1 Sapphire Star</font>

<font color="#2554C7"><font size="4">Drocko the Hutt: 1 Topaz Star</font>

<font color="#571B7e"><font size="4">Eridanis Aquila: 1 Topaz Star</font>

<font color="#2554C7"><font size="4">Fang Ao Tian: 2 Emerald Star and 1 Amethyst Star</font>

<font color="#571B7e"><font size="4">Kaira Rohana: 1 Sapphire star and 1 Emerald Star. 1 Dark Cross (Thanks Kal) </font>

<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Hard work pays off good work everyone on earning medals. Way to stay active. Get out there and do even more contests there are a lot of them right now for the Clan.</font>

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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Eridanis Aquila passed training saber course and History of the sith Empire I </font>

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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Promotions: none right now

New members: No new members this week.

Leaving Members: no Members left</font>

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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">This is still being worked out. We are looking for masters to be paired up with students still. I hope we will have this all worked out soon so I can pass on more info to you all in this area.

If you are a Journeyman and looking for a master please drop me an email and I will help you find a master.</font>

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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">There has been a lot of medals giving out this last week how ever there are more to be handed out soon enough. Lots of Halloween contests are going on so try your hand at them. Remember you don’t have to be the best but if you turn something in it gets noticed by your activity level. The more you do the more you get rewarded at the end of the day. </font>

<font color="#571B7e">#10057 KP Kaira Rohana(Krath)/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:1]

SB / GC / SC / AC / DC / SN-BL / Cr-1D-1R-9A-13S-22E-11T-8Q / CF-SF / SI-BL / SoL / LS / S:-21U


Prodigy of Plagueis‏

Rollmaster of HSK



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