Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Yes, I know, I know, you guys had to put up with Sang’s mediocrity just the other day, surely I must be out of my mind to subject you to another report. But alas, you must deal with it.

I have something important to discuss today, something of my vision for House Qel-Droma. Just the other day, Braecen sent out an email to you all about a new project that the Summit has undertaken, entitled “Project: Reb00t”. It is our belief that we have created a system that will maximize our ability to train leaders, as well as bolster the activity of every member of the Clan.

It is the first of many reformation projects to come, and we hope to see positive results almost immediately. It’s going to be a gradual process, but I have a goal in mind, one that we can and will reach.

The trick to being successful as a Clan and House is all in the environment, if you ask me. I envision a multi-dimensional House, with circles of active gamers, writers, ACCers, and so on. These circles will overlap and conjoin, uniting to form House Qel-Droma. The bonds between these members will anchor them to Brotherhood activity, a form of motivation transcending simple desire for a lightsaber, or a rank or position.

This is the first step in that direction. It will become mandatory that every member be placed on a battleteam. I intend to see that accomplished by next weekend. Choose one of these three teams, or the Summit will choose for you. Gentlemen, I now present you with House Qel-Droma’s three new battleteams: Oblivion Brigade, Shadow Gate, and Wolf Guard!

Oblivion Brigade

Oblivion Brigade was established, drawing partially upon the to address Prophecy

Phyle's weaknesses. KAP Arcturus Xyler had reorganized Prophecy Phyle by folding its

members into the Dajorra Intelligence Agency, thereby giving them an ability to move

about the galaxy at large while blending into the background. This was good, as it

allowed them to perform their mission - covert intelligence gathering - well. Unfortunately, as the Yuuzhan Vong war wore on after the Ninth Great Jedi War,

Prophecy Phyle was sent on more and more direct action assignments. Therefore, it was

decided to realign some of the members into a covert action squad - it would allow

House Qel-Droma to maintain some of the intelligence-gathering abilities of Prophecy,

but also combine it with some assault unit elements.

Because of this, Oblivion Brigade would draw from all three Orders in the Brotherhood,

as well as looking for individuals talented in more mundane (if eclectic) skills as well.

The concept was that while Dark Jedi in the role of commandos would be effective, there

would always be missions where the intervention of Dark Jedi would only call unwanted

attention on the team - or on the House, the Clan, or even the Brotherhood as a whole.

When the team was created, then-Jedi Hunter Kant Lavar was selected as its leader.

While he had been in command of Prophecy Phyle for nearly a year, many had not

expected the House Summit to retain his services as a battleteam leader. For the

missions that the new Oblivion Brigade would be assigned, however, he made a perfect

choice; a former bounty hunter, Lavar would have many skills unrelated to his training

as a Dark Jedi.

In addition, a small commando squad, informally known as the "Oblivion Guard", with

some members drawn from the former Prophecy Phyle commando team, as well as some

on detached duty from the Arcona Expeditionary Forces 2/75th Special Operations

Battalion, have been assembled for support. While not technically assigned to Oblivion

Brigade, as it is a Dark Jedi unit, and instead assigned to the guard force of House Qel

Droma, their existence is an open secret in the Clan.

Shadow Gate

Commissioned in 31 ABY as part of the “Shadesworn” reorganization initiative in Arcona, Shadow Gate controls and operates the business ventures of House Qel-Droma. Unlike most other Battleteams in the Brotherhood, Shadow Gate selects its members because they have demonstrated an ability to plan, think, and strategize long-term, thus ensuring the financial survival and thriving of the House. The other unique aspect of Shadow Gate is that it is the one unit in the entire Clan that deals directly with the outside world, often making business deals and contacts with many of the seedier sides in the galaxy, particularly the Hutts.

Driftan Housan was chosen by the House leadership to found and direct this new venture within the House. Housan had demonstrated many of the attributes desired to be a member of the new Battleteam, and giving him command of the team was seen as a test, one that would determine whether he was suited for higher levels of authority and responsibility within the Clan.

Shadow Gate has been charged with overseeing and operating the economic entities within House Qel-Droma. Specifically, Shadow Gate has its fingers in the smuggling of ancient artifacts for the traditionally Krath house, as well as working hand-in-hand with House Galares to trade the Garconian spice with the Hutt contacts Shadow Gate has developed.

Naruba Investments is the public face of Shadow Gate. Headed by the commander of Shadow Gate, Naruba works as the tentacles of Qel-Droma, searching the galaxy for artifacts and materials that will help further the overall goals of the House. This requires the commander of Shadow Gate to work as a CEO of a business organization as well as a warrior of the Brotherhood.

Wolf Guard

Wolf Guard is not a team in pursuit of great wealth, or to trade and barter with people for goods; close combat is their specialization. Wolf Guard will be the first team into combat on a battlefield; they are the favored team for operations such as boarding a ship, occupying a critical post, or breaking through an enemy line. They are also the brutally efficient guards of the House leaders, willing to give up their lives for their beloved leaders. The team will never surrender, even if they have hopeless odds against them, unless ordered to by the Quaestor. As long as one man remains, the fight will continue.

After the Ninth Great Jedi War, Arcona was stronger than ever. As always, however, times call for changes, and one of these things was to create three teams as part of the Shadesworn Reorganization in 31 ABY. Each team was created with a separate purpose in mind, and given a rising young leader to take it to great heights. One such team was given to Cethgus Kuga, who immediately began training his team with brutal yet effective combat methods, pushing his warriors to prove themselves on the battlefield. The team, known as the Wolf Guard, immediately attracted the eye of Dark Jedi both young and old. Each member was trained and pushed to fight with such a fury and rage that their enemies would fall quickly and without mercy.

Each new member of the team was trained for months, brought to understand war, and taught how to fight as a team, working as one. They were taught to charge and kill and then ask the questions. One of the team’s abilities is to stalk their pray, move quickly across various terrain, and move in for the kill. The Wolf Guard service is to give their lives to hold an army at bay, doing whatever they can for their House. They will protect the Quaestor and Aedile at all costs, and they have a lust for blood and a passion for combat that is unrivaled among the other battleteams. Members of Wolf Guard will lay down their lives in service to their Clan, should the need of arise.

Those are the three new teams, led by Kant Lavar, Driftan Housan, and Cethgus Kuga. If you have a preference as to which team you would like to join, email myself and Sang, otherwise we’ll choose which BT you belong to.

No trivia this time, Sang did it in his report the other day. Congrats to Driftan and Sang for winning my last one.


  • Oblivion Brigade, led by Kant Lavar

  • Shadow Gate, led by Driftan Housan

  • Wolf Guard, led by Cethgus Kuga

  • Pick a battleteam

  • Dash interim Consul, Strat steps down

  • Taigikori Aybara appointed CNS PCON (still haven’t been cured)

  • Wanna win the RoS?

  • Still tons of competitions.

  • Go Phillies.

<big>Thanks guys. Have fun, and stay tuned for the next report in two weeks. Arc0wnage!</big>


KAP Legorii Kryotek Entar (Krath) /QUA-Wiki/ Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC: CL:1]

AC-ToSH / DC-SP / BN-BL / Cr-1D-5R-13A-12S-5E-4T-2Q / CF-PF / DSS-AgL / SI / SoF-BL / SoL / LS-AgL / S:-27Rm-1P-16U

{SA: MVN – DML - DMW - DMP - DMH - DMF - SVT - DSLC - DSWP} (8893)

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