Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Cassandra stood in the command deck of the Ascendancy for the first time it came under her leadership. She doubted herself that a girl like her could run this amazing piece of machine. But then why would Alaris put her in this precision if he didn’t think she was ready. Aside from her training and Aedile work, the young girl had put all her effort into studying this vast ship. She researched its strengths, its weaknesses and its power. But yet in all her training for the rank of Knight, nothing prepared her for this.

She spent the day with many officers, learning the rules and regulations, stating how things are to be run. Then at a bleak moment she thought back to her time on the “Instigator”, wondering thoughts on how it’s last XO Catalina Tzong ran the ship. She remembered how strong she was, how proud she was to be there. Cassandra knew that she had been there for a reason, to learn and develop.

“Give it time…and I will be ready” She said to the officers before leaving the vast ship back to Morroth.

When her craft settled down within the cold icy hangar, she was greeted by her Quaestor. A grin grew upon her face, as it was always a delight to see him.

“Tell me, my Aedile …How is Captain coming along?” He asked with a stern glance backing up his words.

“Put it this way Kal, Im proud to be there…but I’m lost in my own thoughts…Im still young and yet I have command of our flagship, I just don’t want to ruin this opportunity and the rest!” She sighed as she spoke.

“Cassandra, I backed you up in the officer rankings, at first we were all split minded about where to put you…I think you are ready, that’s why I requested that post for you….and I think when the time comes, you will shine…now lets get out of here and get you a good drink down you” He replied.

She left with a warm heart; she had so much affection for Kal she could just hug in to death in one manner. But that would spoil their relationship, she was glad to have a strong father figure there for her. And then as they left, she knew his words would become true, that when the time comes, she will shine.



Well gang, it’s been a while since I completed my last report. So I thought I best pull one out of the bag for you lot. I have got a lot of stuff in my email folder this week. Lots of good stuff going on which I love! Lots of hard work going on out there, so well done guys! Keep up the good work!


We say good bye Ood B’nar who recently did get promoted to Krath Archpriest in his last few days with us. He has left us for CSP to take role as their Proconsul. All members of Satal Keto bid you good luck!

Check out the Competition Listing! There is loads of stuff going on throughout the Clan this month. KP Kaira Rohana has a list of Halloween themed competitions still running. And Koga and Fangs Halloween epic stuff is still going on! Check out the run on whilst you are at it!

As we say goodbye to Ood, that leaves HEK without a QUA. Alaris is taking applications for the job; however this only goes to you Equites with leadership experience. Good luck to all who submitted to it!


I want to thank you to all of you who entered my competitions that finished at the start of this month. I am working on the winning character to use for future reference, guess that’s my project work.

Please Contact Kaira, our Rollmaster if you wish to be apart of the Master/Student program within Satal Keto

A few new comers to the House, therefore I would like to welcome them personally to our ranks. We welcome SW Vexer Thrace, JH nariah and APP Kazunari Yoshihiro! I hope their time with us is a blast!


Whoa! A few promotions since last time, So Awesome! Well done for you hard work, good luck with the new trials. Keep it up!

NOV Eridanis Aquila Promoted to Acolyte and then to Protector. Great work!

JH Kodais Solatus Promoted to Dark Jedi Knight. Great work, Hope you like the new robes and Sabers!

APP Sceleratus Promoted to Novice. Good work buddy!


There are lots and lots to come out in this report, some real good effort going on within the House which is awesome. Thank you everyone for their hard work, keep it up and keep the medals rolling in!

DJK Mograine: Crescent with Sapphire star

JH Fang Ao Tian: 2x Crescent with Emerald Star, Crescent with Amethyst Star, Crescent with Sapphire star, 1x Cluster of fire

GRD Drocko the Hutt: Crescent with Topaz Star, 2x Crescent with Sapphire star

DJK Kodais Solatus: Crescent with Sapphire star

KP Kaira Rohana: Crescent with Emerald Star, Crescent with Sapphire star, Crescent with Topaz Star, 3x Cluster of Fire, Pendant of Blood

PRT Eridanis Aquila: 2x Crescent with Topaz Star, Crescent with Emerald Star

GRD Killer: 2x Crescent with Emerald Star

PRT Onteron: Crescent with Topaz Star

BLIMEY…That was a lot… lol Great work gang! Keep it up!


Lots of Exams being passed, which I like! Good work guys, keep it up!

PRT Eridanis Aquila: Pre-Republic History, Old Republic History, ACC Basics, History of the Sith Empire I, Training Saber Course, Krath CORE

NOV Sceleratus: Dark Brotherhood Basics

ACO Necal: Force Cults, Conflict Mediation, Sith CORE, Astronomy

So a lot of exams being taken at the moment, and they are all coming through as passes. Good work guys, keep up the hard work! It will all pay off one day.


No fights finishing this time, but there are certainly a load going on within the ACC. Check it out! Combat centre there’s a few good ones going on.

Looking for Cluster of fires? Well pass in the ACC proving ground and fight in the Quick Skirmish chamber. Each win gives 3 Cf’s

Other wise than that…That’s it!

The Next thought to consider….

We move on to 4th places thought. By DJK Mograine. Thanks for entering your wise words of wisdom XD

"Mistakes and failures can all be forgiven, we all betray something. It is what you stay true to that counts"

Nice Mograine!


Well guys, it’s been one hell of a ride this month. Keep up the hard work! It’s all going on so well. House wide competition will come in November, using what I got and some help from Kal hopefully.

We need to bother our Quaestor to wake up; real life must be dragging him down. So best of wishes to him! Let’s hope he returns safely to us in one piece. We Miss you Kal!

Just another general well done guys, keep up all the hard work!

Don’t forget to contact Kaira if you’re stuck on your trials for your next ranks…

Till Next time…

DJK Cassandra El’sin

Aedile of Satal Keto


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