Aedile Report


Aedile Report

So yeah, I guess it’s about time that I did a report or something? So here goes.

Brotherhood News

*CSP is looking for an Aedile, big whoop.

*Shikyo is running a James Bond competition because he’s a wannabe MI6 agent. The name’s Sang, just Sang. Custom robes for 1st place.

*MYSQL problems again, wahey.

House News

So Legz stepped down as QUA and we’ve got a new QUA in the form of Celahir, who used to be in HQD before he swanned off to Galeres. Alas due to my inactivity and shit RL, he got the job instead of me. :P Congrats old boy. Hope you do a good job and fire me soon.

Clan News

Braecen is on a LoA and Galeres is still holding AED apps it seems. So if you’re eager, go for it. Great Hunt awards have all gone out from Dash, I’ll put out some merit awards too to reward those who have been working hard recently.

We’re gearing up for the RoS in January and Dash is looking to open up the Arconan Arena for some practice writing as the BTLs have informed him that you all want to be able to do more writing.

If you’ve not checked out Juda’s webcomics, then do so on the forums as they are just hilariously funny. -


Driftan Housan GRD > JH – Way to go Driftan, soon be at DJK in the new year.


Welcome to Nix Graves who joined us from Naga Sadow and welcome to Sylex who joins us from Tarentum.


So many medals here to report and as I’m really far behind in my reports, I shall not list them here. Suffice to say, Qel Droma has made me proud in the Great Hunt, I expect the same level of activity if not more from you all in the RoS. Someone’s got to make up for my LoA!

Shadow Academy

Ruluk Okoth Leadership Fundamentals


Shadow Gate Flash Games – Driftan is running a Flash game competition solely for the Shadow Gate Battleteam, so I’m expecting some high entries from you SGer’s.

Shikyo is running his James Bond competition because he’s a lovable noob. Check it out.

Ludy is running a couple of writing comps too, check them out on the Competition listing page.

Stranded – This is another Shadow Gate only competition, come on SGer’s!

Zakath wants some Report headers for his QUA reports, go do some cool graphics for the guy.


No report trivia this week as the competition has ended and I got no entries for my last report. Therefore no more trivia until further notice.

So here’s the lowdown on my absence, I’m currently in the East Midlands in the town of Northampton living with my father who I hadn’t seen or spoken to in 3 years. We sorted out our problems and he took me in in my moment of need. I’m working nights at a warehouse factory which produces art products, frames and pictures. I have the fun job of operating a massive printing press for 12 hours a night, 4 nights a week. But hey, you’re probably thinking to yourselves right now, “Why isn’t Sang online for those 3 nights a week he’s not working?” Well the answer to that is because all of my belongings except my ipod, my mobile phone and some clothes have all been left behind at my mother’s house where she intends to get rid of them because she’s a bitch. Yes, that means I have no laptop, which means no IRC.

Yes, I’m not doing a very good job as an Aedile at present, and I know that Legz has stepped down from QUA and Celahir has replaced him, congratulations to Celahir of course. “But why haven’t I been fired yet?” You ask, the answer to that is, I give fantastic head. (joking, or am I?) So yeah, my RL is currently shit, I’m seeking counselling for my fucked up head too because of my mother fucking with my mind lol. So yes, I fit right into Arcona, full of crazies we are.

So I guess I should probably resign as Aedile of Qel Droma or something, as it’s the right thing to do in this situation as I won’t be back properly until January or even beyond that. I am really sorry that it’s come to this guys, but I’m just too damn selfish to do so. With the recent turnover of positions in Arcona, I’m a little reticent to resign, so I’ll be staying as your Aedile until further notice. Expect reports from me every 2 weeks from now on as I can at least do that, but I won’t be able to be on IRC for a while. If you have any urgent problems, go to Celahir, as I can’t promise 24 hour email turnaround.

Your lovable rapscallion of an Aedile.


DJK Sanguinius Tsucyra (Obelisk)/AED/Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC: CL:1]

GC / SC / AC / DC-SiP / SN / Cr-1R-3S-1E-3T / CF / SI-BL / LS-BL / S:-8U


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