Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Hey all, welcome to a new edition of the Aedile Report (Yaaaay). I'm absolutely sorry that this took so long to get out, and that it's being totally rushed; but real life calls, and I must unfortunately answer. I'm way behind on so much DB/RL stuff it isn't funny... Lets get started, hmm?

General Bits And Pieces of News

Clan Force Powers!

w00t! We can finally add our Clan Powers (Phase, something-to-do-with-freezing-probably-cyrokinesis-or-something) to our character sheets. Unfortunately, you need to create a character from SCRATCH, and be ranked Dark Jedi Knight and above. Le sigh. In other news, this is an excellent thing for newer members to strive for, and achieve knighthood. So it evens out.

Grand Master Report(s)

Since the last Ektrosis Summit Report, Grand Master Muz Ashen has released two reports for the Brotherhood. Both are pretty detailed, and explain many things such as how the new Rite of Supremacy will work, as well as how the Dark Council/Summit members (minus Muz and Paladin) will be able to return to their home clans to participate in the Rite (meaning we get Var and Erin back! Maybe Kir too if he decides he wants to fight with us).

There are also talks of an Armed Forces (Army) reset for each clan, meaning that we'll be able to pick and choose our ground forces much like we chose our Clan Fleets. The Rite starts on January 2nd, 2010 people, so be ready!

Herald Holiday Season

That's right, it's almost Christmas time, which means that the Herald Holiday Season is back once more for another go. If you weren't here last year, Shikyo released some pretty damn pimpin' robes and lightsabers for the DB during December, so I'm quite excited to see what he's gonna be doing this year. He currently has a competition running that allows you the chance to win a set of custom robes, which can only be rewarded if you win one of his competitions, or become a member of the Dark Council (minus Consuls).

New Wiki Tribune

Sadly, Tron has retired once more. Replacing him is Sith Battlelord Vexxtal, more comonly known as Windo(w)s. If you've been checking the recent changes page on the Wiki, you'll notice that he's been making a metric-assload of edits for a while now, and is introducing several new projects already. He'll do great. :)

Other Reports and Stuffz

Aabsdu, the Headmaster, Erinyes, the Combat Master, as well as Orv, the DB-Site-Guru-v2.0, have all released reports. Aabsdu announced the revamping of several articles, Erin has disolved the Clan Trainer's deal and gone back to DB-wide trainers, and Orv announced a few things, including the progress of the PHP-recode.

Achievements, Non-Xbox-360 Style!

Now, usually, I'd list everything that everybody did. Unfortunately, I'm tired, and have to get back to my school work ASAP. I really didn't like falling asleep last night and having to rush this. FML. In lieu of that, I'll just be listing everything on the first page of my inbox. Yay. Lucky for me, the first page goes back to November 25th.


  • IRC Basics Passed

  • DB Basics Passed

  • Krath Core Passed

  • Dark Cross Awarded

  • Promoted from Apprentice through Acolyte

(This is one hella active noob. You ALL should be following his example)


  • Crescent with Sapphire Star

Rian Aslar

  • Crescent with Emerald Star

  • Dark Cross Awarded

Aquilius Letum

  • Crescent with Topaz Star

  • Dark Cross Awarded


  • Promoted to Acolyte


Bah, screw it. <a href=""Here's a list of all competitions relevant to each and every one of you personally. Yay to Orv for coding this for us and making our lives much easier.

As well, be sure to check out the new Ekky Run-On that's taking place on the Forums. It's sure to be a hoot, and runs into January; so get ta work! Make sure you follow the rules!


None. Sorry, again.

**Anubis Annedu

Dark Jedi Knight and Inquisitor of the Sith Order

Aedile of House Ektrosis**

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