Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Cethgus stood in his office; he was spending a lot of time in that office of late, just wandering around it and looking at the decorations. He had been spending a lot of time with his team training them once again. Cethgus knew that times ahead would be interesting to say the least for the team, and couldn’t wait and see what was to be offered to them. At the same time the Obelisk himself wondered if this was a good or bad thing, knowing ones fate and the fate of his men was something else, but to know that there future was up to them was another ball game.

Cethgus decided that now was the best time to go and take a walk the inside of his office becoming boring. Taking a walk down the corridor, it was quite for once but that was probably because of the time that it was at, well into the early hours of the morning but at the same time voices were just up ahead. As he walked forward he noticed dark figures in the opening and walked towards them. As he moved the two of them turned revealing the faces of Wally and Driftan.

“You’re up late as always” his voice echoed through the corridor.



Well I suppose this is my after Rites of Supremicy report, so with that I would like to say thank you to everyone who participated in this event in Wolf Guard, I know that it was not an easy challange this time, and though we picked up fourth place, I am proud of all the work that you did, and would like to say a massive thanks to everyone, but this doesn’t change anything. Arcona taking fourth isn’t going to effect this clan, we are Arcona and we will stick together, we are there for each other and Wolf Guard is a pack, and all I can say to that is........

Arcona Invicta!

Also, the future will hold a lot of things for this clan and us as a team, so I would like to see each of you try and participate as much as you can. I would like to see us have a nice attempt at trying to prove our activity once again, so expect to hear from me and I will keep you in the loop with Competition as well as other little bits and pieces going on so just keep checking your email as always.


I would like to say that currently we are waiting for seals to be handed out to members so while we wait I will get what medals have been given out sorted and let you know, now that the RoS is over, I will say the same thing that I always say and that is that you can achieve medals easily, participating in a competition will give you a good standing at achieving a medal in the future. So with that being said I will not let you know what medals have been given out this week:

Lan – Silver Nova

Cethgus – Cluster of Fire x8

Shadow Academy

I would like to say that the Shadow Academy is the best way for you to be able to try and head towards promotion, I aim this mainly at the Journeymen of the team, as these are in your requirements to get to the next rank, so keep that in mind and try and find the time to be able to take some of these exams, they don’t take long as long as you focus on what you want to achieve and take one exam every so often so please keep trying to take Shadow Academy exams, with that said the following exams were completed this week:

Cethgus – Clan Arcona History, Advanced Lightsaber Studies, Hand-to-Hand Combat

Antei Combat Centre

I would like once again to let you all know about the ACC its a fun way of fighting against another member of the DB and trying to beat them with writing, at the same time it is a way to develop your characters fighting style, so I believe it is well worth being able to try and do the ACC at some point and make sure that you give it a go, and then you can see if you like it or not, so with that in mind just give it a try, and if you wish to fight someone please feel free to send me over a challenge and I will gladly accept it.


I would like to say that there are no promotion that have happened this week, but I am sure with work and effort you will be able to make sure that you will be able to archive a promotion quickly. It takes activity and for the Journeymen of this team I have already allowed you a list of things that you will be required to complete to get promoted so get cracking and promotion will come your way. So remember just work a little bit and you will be rewarded, that is that part said.

_ This weeks work _

Last Weeks List:

  • Expand the Wiki page - Completed
  • Talk to the team individually - Completed
  • Organise competitions
  • Help members - Completed
  • Secret – Completed

This week’s List:

-Hold Battle Team Meeting -Organise Competition -Help Members -Email Team Individually -Secret

_ Congratulations _

For those of you who don’t already know our Aedile Sang has moved up within the Clan, and is now the current Quaestor of Galeres. So I would like to say a big congratulation for achieving this position and I know that he will do an awesome job and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for him. With that being said if you find the time to say congratulations to him please do, and just remember that maybe one day he could be our PCON. Well done Sang.

_ Last Word _

I know that this has been a long report with that in mind I will keep this part short and simple, if you have any questions or problems please email me and let me know with that. Also at the same time I would like to say one last final statement.

** Arcona expects every man to do his duty **

Cethgus Kuga Battle Team Leader of Wolf Guard Arcona Invicta!

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