Consul Report


Consul Report

Taldryan Consul Report Header

Clan Headquarters, Karufr Kr'Tal System

The three light saber hilts lay before him arrayed from the most ornate to the basic armory model from left to right. They had only arrived earlier that day in a plain package, delivered in person by the Proconsul of Clan Scholae Palatinae, Archpriest Ood Bnar Scythe'rae. The towering Neti had given the package to the Proconsul of Taldryan, as protocol dictated, before leaving in a hurry. There was no worry of the package containing explosives, the attempt would have provoked an outright conflict; something neither of the battered Clans could afford. Instead, it contained the sole remaining artifacts of three journeymen lost during the Rite in battle against the Palatinae forces. The Armory Saber, complete with a sapphire adegan crystal, still bore the faint outline of caked blood.

Vodo lifted it gently, using the force to spin it in air, rotate it along its length; He appreciated the fine artisanship of the design, standard for all journeymen who wielded it. Firmly, the Twi'lek took the saber into his hand and felt the cool of its metal exterior while the material itself told him the story of its owner. The man barely out of his teens had been a Jedi Hunter, not so far from compelting his Dark Jedi Knight trials. He'd been slain by a human Dark Jedi Knight, a little less than 2 meters tall. The symbol of a Kyrat Dragon adorned his shoulder. The image burned itself into Vodo's memory as he vowed personal vengeance. This solemn ceremony he performed twice more, gently reading the fallen Dark Jedi's last moments and promising them satisfaction. Thirty-one times before had he performed this ceremony from the time he'd been appointed as a battleteam leader. Twenty-four times had he carried out his promise. Ten more times would he do so.


-> ## Taldryan News <-

-Shadow Taldrya has stepped down from Aedile of House Dinaari. We thank him for his service and dedication to Dinaari and Taldryan as we open up his position to the Clan for applications till the end of the month. Send your apps to Sharad. -The TT still needs your submissions. Please send all entries to Vorion and myself. We're looking for Graphics, short stories, poetry, humorous articles, and editorials.

-> ## Brotherhood News <-

-GM Sarin has stepped back into the spot light as the Deputy Grand Master. -Shikyo is godly. -Clusters of Fire are being sent out by the Tribune of Gaming

-> ## Competitions <-

Tombs of Wisdom - Entire DJB, Offered by the Head Master St. Herald's Day - Entire DJB, Offered by the Herald Pinnicle of Power - Clan Taldryan, Offered by the Proconsul Past Reveled II - House Ektrosis, Offered by QUA Sidarace


Benevolent Taldrya Whiner 1 x Silver Nova 1 x Anteian Cross

Vodo Biask Taldrya 1 x Gold Nova 1 x Solver Nova 1 x Bronze Nova

Rian Aslar 1 x Bronze Nova

Jac Cotelin 1 x Gold Nova 1 x Silver Nova 1 x Steel Cross

Vorion 1 x Gold Nova

Halcyon Taldrya 1 x Gold Nova 1 x Steel Cross

Shaz'air Taldrya Rathden 1 x Gold Nova

Krieg Brasche 1 x Dark Cross

DarkAmiz 1 x Dark Cross

Andryan "Ace" Queldom 1 x Dark Cross

Arkin Netall 1 x Anteian Cross

Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama 1 x Bronze Nova 1 x Dark Cross

Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya 1 x Steel Cross

Sharad Taldrya Hett 1 x Steel Cross

Closing Thoughts

-As a reminder, the Brotherhood and Clan Taldryan use IRC as our main means of communication. Here you can talk to and meet with all the members of our organization, build friendships, and stay interactive. It goes a long way to making your time in this club more memerable and worthwhile. -I'd like to point out that several people above recieved merit awards for participation in the RoS, but deserve a little more description. Sharad entered nearly every event and placed fourth place four times. He didn't get a single Novae but still went a very long ways to helping our clan score points. Vardar also didn't win any novae, but his performance gaming was unrivaled and only goes to enlargen his ego.

-During the Rite of Supremacy Asani Vosa, long time member of the Brotherhood in both Taldryan and Scholae Palatinae was taken from this world. Her car was hit on an icey road by a drunk driver. Lokasena, who was also in the car with her, suffered some broken bones but is otherwise well. We wish him well and mourn his loss.

~Consul Vodo Biask Taldrya

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