Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Dark Greetings,

Welcome to the newly formed House Reinthaler. It is an honor to be your first Quaestor. Perhaps it is best that I introduce myself briefly. I am KPN Saitou, a member of the Dark Brotherhood for almost 10 full years. I served for many years in House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae in every summit position from Battle Team Leader to Consul with the exception of Rollmaster. Hopefully, I still remember what I'm doing. I've been in Tarentum for three and a half years now. I've worked with most of the current summit and have good contact with the Tarentae council. That's enough about me for now. If you want any more information, please feel free to ask by email or on IRC.

Concerning my leadership style, I will try to run the House much like I run a university classroom. I hold the official power, but I want us to work together as a team. However, with almost 50 members in the House, it is a bit much for me and the Aedile to watch you each individually. Therefore, the first order of business is to organize active members into the two new Battle Teams. Thus, I need to know the following as soon as possible: -- If you mostly like to write fiction, please let me know that you'd like to join Black Phoenix. Severon will be your BTL. -- If you prefer gaming platforms, please let me know that you want to join Zurhidon. Dox will be your BTL.

Your Battle Team Leader will be the person to watch you most closely. He will keep track of your activity, create small competitions, and be your first person to go for help. I have high hopes for Severon and Dox. Please give them your best effort. If you ever have any problems with them, let them know first. If you two cannot resolve the issue, then it is appropriate to come to Raimi and me. Remember to work your way up the chain of command and never forget to talk to each other first.

On a simpler note, the House needs a motto. Currently, I really like a famous stanza from Viking poetry that translates as "Glory never dies for the one who is able to achieve it." However, if you think you have a better motto, let me know. I'm open to suggestions. In honor of Reinthaler's official opening, I will hold a trivia session that will consist of riddles from a saga. Come to #tarentum on IRC tomorrow at 1:00pm EST for fun and a possible legion of the scholar award.

This report is long enough for now. I look forward to telling you all of our great progress next week!

-- KPN Saitou Tarentae (Krath)/QUA/House Reinthaler of Tarentum

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