Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings Kaernites:

First off, I would like to welcome Kyle Criday to House Kaerner. He is fresh out of the Shadow Academy, and hopefully will make a fine addition to our ranks. Please make Kyle welcome as he settles into his new quarters on Joran. We look forward to seeing you on IRC, Kyle.

We are finalizing the fiction surrounding the opening of House Kaerner. You can expect that to be sent out for your enjoyment in the next few days. We are also finalizing the fiction surrounding the closing of Houses Tridens and Gladius, so keep an eye out for that to come out soon as well.

Jagen has kicked off a round of competitions for Spectre, so if you are part of that BT please check them out and get involved!

There are several Clan-wide competitions open, and Nami and I are working on a round of House-wide competitions which should get started either this week or next.

As always, if you have questions or you're bored and need something to do, get in touch with your BTL, Nami or me and we'll get you sorted out.

Here are a few things you can do to start to get involved:

1) Battle Teams - If you want to be active, Battle Teams are the way to go. Spectre is our gaming focused BT, based at the House headquarters on Joran. The Reckoners are our fiction focused BT, based in the City of Eden. Fire off an email to Jagen or Teia and let them know which team you prefer. We should have Wiki pages going up about both teams fairly soon.

2) Master/Student Program - If you are a Journeyman and you need some help getting oriented, or if you are DJK+ and need something productive to do, the MSP is the number one best way to do it! Head over to the Wiki and check out the list of unmatched Masters and Apprentices to find someone to pair up with:


3) Competitions - There are always a few competitions running. The best way to find out about them is to log into the Competition Center on the DJB website and click "Stuff that matters to me". Or, be clever and use this link here:


4) Promotion Requirements - For the many of you who are below the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, you can chip away at your promotion requirements and make progress toward your next rank. The requirements are listed here:



SBM Scion Altera 03/22/2010 - Quaestor Report

DJK Dralin Fortea 04/02/2010 - Awarded Legion of the Scholar for winning second place in #tarentum trivia

DJK Jagen Phoenix 03/22/2010 - Competition Approved: Team Motto 03/22/2010 - Competition Approved: Team Logo 03/22/2010 - Competition Approved: Gaming Bonus Round 03/22/2010 - Competition Approved: Shadow Academy Bonus Round 03/22/2010 - Competition Approved: Activity Competition 03/23/2010 - Awarded Cr-T for 2nd place in Caption Fun 03/24/2010 - Competition Approved: Team Induction

DJK Mechronage Saltherion 03/24/2010 - Transferred in to Kaerner 03/24/2010 - Competition Approved : The Dark Lords

GRD Teia Coran 03/25/2010 - Competition Approved - Battle Team Motto

PRT Zero Raven 03/23/2010 - Awarded Cr-E for 1st place in Caption Fun

ACO Carter 03/28/2010 - Completed DB Basics SA Exam 03/28/2010 - Promoted to Acolyte 03/31/2010 - Completed Advancement Survey 03/31/2010 - Completed Training Saber SA Course

APP Kyle Criday 04/02/2010 - Transferred in to Kaerner


In Darkness, Scion Altera

SBM Scion "Firebird" Altera (Sith)/QUA/Kaerner of Tarentum [ACC: OPR] GC-PoDP / AC / Cr-2S-8E / SoF / SoL / LS / S:-6U-3B

{SA: DML - DSLC} Brevet Commodore / Captain, MJHC Corsair

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