Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

** Taldryan News

** This installment of your faithful Proconsul's reports was delayed a few days due to many of my RL obligations; my apologies, one and all. Expect things to return to their regularly-scheduled programming by my next report. I'm eschewing a great deal of the usual visual flashiness you might have come to expect from my reports; Muzitis is awesome in it's own way, but the focus of this report is a little different. You are all aware that I can manipulate Photoshop in amusing and obnoxious ways. Nor will this particular report will not have a half a page of fiction for ornamentation. There's a time and a place for that, and I certainly intend to provide such entertainment and fictional progress reports in the future, but just now I'd like to focus on some salient points Muz has recently raised and take a look at how that applies to the core and essence of Taldryan activity and morale.

There's no denying it; our activity as a Clan has encountered a marked lull. There are a number of contributing factors to this; the time of year exams and post-exams is always slow - the lingering effects of after-Vendetta ennui, etc. It is my goal to see our Clan transition fully into a 'post-Vendetta' unit; that is, one who's activity is as steady and enthusiastic in times of peace as in times of War. The fundamentals of our club have changed drastically over the years, as the Grand Master has astutely observed.

While we should certainly capitalize on the Lucasfilm/Lucasarts intellectual properties (few and far-between though they may be these days, although I'm looking hopefully at TOR and to a lesser extent TFU2) in our endeavors to grow and have fun as a Clan and as a Brotherhood, we must ultimately recognize that the responsibility lies with us as members to propagate the legacy of Taldryan. What we are planning is in the early stages right now, so I can't give an abundance of details, but Vodo and myself are working to develop a system to uniquely and individually honor our members who actively seek out new members add to our ranks. It's my opinion that if you enrich our collective by introducing the next potential Jac, Shadow, Kraval, Jac, Yacko, Jac, Halc, Duga, Jac or Kir - just to name a few, you have done us all a service worthy of far greater recognition than a simple Scroll.

Another Clan project I'm working with right now is a clean-up and minor revision of our Kr'Tal system to make some details a little more realistic and bring the system's assets and traits in line with a more faithful inclination towards EU planetary traits. It's a bit of a stretch for all of our Clans to conveniently have solar systems with a bizarre abundance of terrestrial planets. Expect to see that facelift on the Wiki over the next week, with the old version faithfully archived for reference.

Brotherhood News

The Journeyman ACC Ladder is entering the second round. I'm pleased to see several of our own participating; keep up the great work. The Combat Master has announced that the ACC is hosting an Equites and Elders Ladder. The format will be the same as the Journeymen Ladder, single-elimination 2+2 battles with a 48-hour post limit. You do not have to be qualified in the ACC to sign up, so if you've often thought about giving combat writing a shot but never got around to it, now would be the perfect opportunity! Email Erinyes with your name, rank, PIN and the weapons you will use for the ladder matches. Signups are open until Saturday, April 10 at 11:59 PM EST, so hop to it!

The Grand Master's Royal Guard is returning! This Gaming Society has historically been home to prominent members of Taldryan, and I hope it's reiteration sees some worthy successors to those luminaries. I myself have long intended to get more involved in Brotherhood gaming, and I see this as a perfect opportunity to challenge myself to strive to get on the level with the likes of Vardar, Sharad, Shadow, and Kraval. Who's with me?

Applications for Fist and Voice of the Brotherhood closed on the 31st of March, and the Grand Master should be making his announcement any day now. I can say with a reasonable degree of confidence that Oberst has never touched a LucasArts game, but he'd make a great Fist nonetheless. I hope he applies just on principle. Speaking of Oberst...

The cagy Elder has retired from his post as Consul of Tarentum, leaving in his stead Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae as the new Consul! Be sure to say hi and offer her congratulations should you see her on IRC.

In Closing

The road ahead is a very different from any we've tread in the past. For years we've worked off of a tried-and-true formula; that formula doesn't serve us as as well as it once did, and in light of that, we're developing new ones, for a new generation. This is a process that involves everyone, from the newest Novice to the most experienced Elder. All of us are a part of this, rank and file and Summits alike. I'd really like to hear everyone's feedback, ideas and suggestions, particularly in the months ahead!

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