Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greetings Reinthaler,

I am Severon Vercingetorix and have been chosen to be your Aedile in light of Raimi's resent retirement. I hope that I may be able to be as cool and as diligent as he was, though I doubt I can ever be what he was. He was Reinthaler's first Aedile, and one that we are sure to never forget.

I will not talk long, but I would like to say a few things in this first report as your new Aedile. I have some standards.

I don't expect any one person to contribute to all competitions, but I would like to see some activity from every person. Even if it's just a small submission to a comp or a big contribution to the brotherhood, I would like to see some activity.

I am not a hard taskmaster and I will not pressure anyone to do anything. This is a club after all, and the main point it fun. But I will say that activity is important to keeping this club alive.

And that's my spiel, hope it was meaningful.

And now, I would like to say thank you to Saitou for giving me this competition, and wish a fond and dear farewell to Raimi, and hope that he continues to do well in his life.

Bye Raimi, and thanks for all of your contributions, and for leaving such freaking small shoes for me to try to fill (which I know I can't).

Thanks for hearing me out. I will have much more in my next report. Till then, keep working hard.

Servant in Darkness, Severon Vercingetorix; Aedile

-- SW Severon Vercingetorix Aedile of House Reinthaler 1st Sith Commander of BT Black Phoenix Former Gladius Aedile and True Gladian Former Apprentice to Vai Azexel

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