Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Opening Fiction

Outside the Temple of Ulic Qel-Droma, life went on as normal; Journeymen practiced their skills or devoured tomes. The senior Arconans conferred with one another on the machinations of the Dark Council mused to themselves on how to further their standing within the Clan. However, within one of the high turret towers of the Temple, four people came together.

Assembled were Driftan Housan, the Quaestor of House Qel-Droma, Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae and Zod Ramiel (as Wolf Guard Secret Service agents), and the person that the meeting was all about; Jedi Hunter Joseph VanWyck.

The House leader was garbed in his usual robes, while Strategos was dressed in one of the sets of robes granted to those of Elder class. Commander Ramiel was the only one who broke the robe norm; he was wearing his formal Secret Service attire (light black suit, white collared shirt, red tie, and polished pumps). VanWyck found himself in the attire of a Jedi Hunter sworn to the Obelisk Order.

"Hunter VanWyck...come forth" commanded Quaestor Housan and he met the nervous Human halfway across the chamber. Zod had trailed the Quaestor and it was then that VanWyck noticed that grasped in his close friend's hands was a black box carved from onyx, its clasp the symbol of House Qel-Droma.

"VanWyck..." began Driftan as he did a complete circle of the Journeyman, inspecting his robes.

"My lord" whispered the Wolf Guard Executive Officer, casting his eyes and head to the stone floor as Housan completed his circuit.

"You have, my disciple, shown increasing loyalty to not only the House of Ulic, but also to the Clan Arcona. I will not sugarcoat my words when I say that, for a while, your loyalties were questionable and your dedication somewhat concerning. However, all that has vanished in this past month and it is with relish that I tell you... you are no longer just another run-of-the-mill Journeyman of Arcona" the Dark Jedi Knight paused there and motioned for Zod to hand him the box.

"You are already valuable to your commander, Zod, and quickly becoming more and more valuable to this House and Clan. And so, it is with great pride that I, Driftan Housan, present to you, Joseph VanWyck, a Dark Cross!" continued the Quaestor and he opened the box, withdrew the merit medal, and carefully pinned it on the right breast of VanWyck's robe.

"Congratulations, Jedi Hunter. Know that with the awarding of that medal, you become more of a stalwart to the Clan and for your own gain, you have moved one step closer to the attainment of Dark Jedi Knight!" CLOSE

--Dedication-- We sleep soundly in our beds at night with the knowledge that rough men, true warriors, stand ready to do battle and commit violence on our behalf. ~~Zod Ramiel, derived from a quote of George Orwell.

Hey there all,

Time for another report from Commander Zod! As you can probably tell by the title and opening fiction of this report, it's going to mostly be about VanWyck, a true disciple of not only this Battleteam but also the House and Clan. In the past couple weeks, VanWyck has accrued Crescent after Crescent as well as submitting to numerous competitions, agreeing to participate in a practice RO with me, posting in our Clan RO (No Rest for the Wicked), and as you can see by the content of the fiction, netted himself a well-earned Dark Cross.

So I just wanted to recognize VanWyck for all he's done since I've taken over as BTL, Wolf Guard and say how proud I am of him. He's very receptive to constructive criticism and always seems to have a new idea(s) to share whenever I get on mIRC. And I just feel that saying "great job", "awesome", and "kudos" in IRC Private Message just doesn't always cut it.

Therefore, congratulations Van! Keep up the great work!

-- Workings of the Brotherhood -- *Ok, so in the scheme of things within the entire Brotherhood we have,

1) A Voice Report from Halcyon Taldrya! Remember to apply for P:VOICE/Combat Master or if you think that the wiki is more your style, go for M:VOICE. I'm definitely applying for the latter position, as that seems to be right up my aisle.

1b) Also in the land of the Voice, we have a new slue of "future-themed" competitions, such as one where you write how the Brotherhood ceased to exist, or adapt your favorite horror movie/comic/book to a Star Wars setting. See the main page for all the d33tz.

2) Justicar Kir Katarn is on vacation until June 13th. So you all have the next week to burn down the Brotherhood -- err, I mean, prove yourselves to be civil Brethren and apostles of the law. Seriously, don't cause any mischief! Kir and his Hands will catch you and Brotherhood punishment is no joke. Trust me.

3) The Brotherhood Fist, Ma'ar (aka Smoke), has announced his two Magistrates. They are the venerable Templar Fremoc Pepoi and our very own and equally venerable, Dark Jedi Knight Ruluk Okoth (and yep, he's a Qel-Droman too)

4) Awesome Aabs (DA Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar) has retired from the position of Headmaster of the Shadow Academy after holding the position for over two years and implenting change after change after change, all positive. Taking his place is his long-time Praetor and former Qel-Droman Quaestor, Taigikori Aybara Dupar!

5) Speaking of which, HM Aybara has opened up applications for P:Headmaster. A list of requirements was sent out to the Arconan mailing list a few days ago, but holding the rank of E1 (SW, OT, KP) or higher and having some coding experience in HTML would be preferred but not exactly necessary (the rank is, but Taigikori says he will be lenient if applicants don't have coding experience)

6) Clan Taldryan is looking for a new Quaestor to lead House Dinaari. They want you to be DJK or above, have past leadership experience, and present a 30/60 day plan. Sounds like it would take to much energy to how about you save up that energy and dedicate it to the Clan...or at the very least, to apply for a position that would allow you to stay in Arcona (P:VOICE?)

~That's about it for the Brotherhood~

--Cogs of the Clan--

1) Unfortunately, Consul Sashar's laptop committed suicide and so he's out of mIRC contact for the foreseeable future. But if you need him, you can reach him via e-mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. However, in relation to this, I must stress that if you have a problem, please follow your Chain of Command (CoC). BTL, AED, QUA, PCON, CON.

2) No Rest for the Wicked is currently...well, resting. So about we wake it back up by posting? The plot is thick, the action is plenty, and the suspense keeps mounting. For those of you in Wolf Guard, we're currently liberating Inarya from the Empire of the Hand on self-named planet X3. If you're in Shadow Gate, I think you're about to ship out to Cato Nemoidia. Oblivion Brigadiers, you're still chilling on Selen, watching Timeros creep people out in the Citadel.

3) Wuntila and JScumm, one new but awesome Arconan and one veteran ass-kicker Arconan respectively, received a Dark Cross and Steel Cross (again, respectively) for activity and hard work! Way to go!

4) Inarya of Sukhur's Legion also netted herself an Anetian Cross (Star of Eos) for her excellent work on Covert Projects. (Ok, they might not be covert, but I just don't know what they are).

~That does it for the Clan~

--House's Hour--

1) Wally (Marick Del'Abbot) returns from his vacation! YAY, yay, Y4Y, y4y! Alas, he has bronchitis...minus yay and y4y.

2) Just to reiterate, VanWyck received a Dark Cross for impressive amounts of activity and placing in 2 competitions.

3) More reiteration in the fact that Ruluk Okoth (Shadow Gate, commanding) applied, hoped for, and was selected as one of two (2) Magistrates to the Fist alongside Fremoc Pepoi. Now we know who to go to for updates on the GMRG's return ;D

~Fin with the House~

-- Times of the Team --

1) The Battleteam Wiki Page will be undergoing slight reharmonization as I re-do our purpose to reflect our role as Arconan Secret Service and Counterterrorisim operators.

2) Post in the RO! We get to play hero!

3) Wiki page was updated with new armor (Tukatan Guard Armor) and its corresponding image.

~Done, done~

Report #4, TL:DR

Ok, so it's been a very successful past couple o' weeks. Deepest congratulations to Ruluk on his new position, and JS, Inarya, VanWyck, and Wuntila on their merit medals. Try to boost activity by getting on mIRC and posting in the RunOn. Any questions on how to do either of those two things (or whatever else you may need help with), just shoot me an e-mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Look for another report before I ship out to the Cadet Leadership Course (5 day ROTC-preparation training intensive) taking place June 14th to the 18th.

Oh and here's a bit of randomness; the word of the week is... Covert. And the song of the week is "State of Emergency" by Pillar. Oh and lest I forget, seeing "Get Him to the Greek" is a must! 9/10 stars from the Wolf Guard Box Office Review and 4.5/5 from the Jedi Hunter Film Association.

Till next time, Wolves!

_-Jedi Hunter Zod Ramiel _-Wolf Guard, Commanding _-Qel-Droma of Arcona

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