Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Galeres Aedile Report

All credit for this banner goes to your PCON, Celahir Erinos


Hey Guys, this is my second report as House Galeres Aedile and I'd like to say congratulations to all of you who have made the effort over these past two weeks. I'll be mentioning names shortly, but to further clarify my point last week, If you need anything at all, you can find my dossier , HERE containing all relevant information for contact. Alternatively, I pretty much live on IRC, so you're more than welcome to contact me at any point. Anyway, let's get on with the report! Here's what we'll be covering this week:

  • Commendations and activity

  • Competition Listings

  • News from the brotherhood

Commendations and Activity

 Okay, so from what I've seen over the past two weeks, and what our Quaestor Cethgus mentioned in his previous report, it seems as if there has been a fair amount of activity over the past two weeks. I'd like to congratulate those who have shined in Galeres this week, but first I'd like to mention that it'd be a good idea to take a leaf out of their book. The Dark Brotherhood on the whole is struggling at the moment, let's try and make Arcona proud and retain our position as the best clan in the brotherhood through constant activity and a continued presence in the Db as a whole. 

With that said, I'd like to now congratulate those who have really made an impact in Galeres in the past two weeks:

  • Inarya: Report out for Sukhur's Legion, read it Here

  • Llats Ordo: This fine individual has returned from LoA, so I'd like you all to give him a nice return

    • Orv Dessrx: Alright I know he's not a member of Galeres but he's been admitted into the halls of the Arconae, so I'd like to congratulate him on his ascension!
    • Voden Arjin: Old Republic History Passed, Clan Arcona History Passed, Clan Naga Sadow History Passed, Great work Voden!
    • Luciferus Scyrone: Congratulations on your success in running the first Arcona-wide trivia in a long while and for promoting activity in Black Hammer Brigade!
    • Hikryo: This is our latest piece of fresh meat for the grinder. Welcome Hikryo!
    • Talos d'Tana: Again, not a member of Galeres, but the new House Qel-Droma Aedile. Welcome to Arcona, Talos.

These Guys have worked hard to give Galeres and Arcona on the whole a good name and I hope all of you will commend them on their work and strive to get on this list in two weeks time!

Competition Listing

Here are all the competitions which are relevant to you guys. Get yourselves involved!

Fear - Quaestor Competition

[Voice] All in Good Time...

[Voice] Something is coming...

[Voice] The End

Clan Arcona Trivia Weekend Surprise!!!

Back to School - 2010

Republic Commando Ladder Match

BattleFront 2 Gaming Bash!

Future Character Rendition

News from the Brotherhood

I'd like to say that the Consul Sashar, or to most of us, Dash/Rufio, has resolved his internet issue so he's back with us today.

One Major point that needs to be brought up is the DB-Wide AWOL Check. For further details check out the e-mail you will have received off the lovely Korras, but in essence, you had to e-mail back to ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) with your name and Dossier Pin Number.

We don't want you to be destroyed so please respond!

Congratulations to Vivackus Kavon for his new position as Praetor to the Voice.

The Justicar, Kir, has returned and is willing to smack some bottoms. So be good!

To conclude, I'd like to ask you all a simple question, would you prefer if I put a fiction at the start of my reports? I'd prefer to ask you guys so that you don't either get bored of reading mindless garbage about something or other, or alternatively if you think it gives a report flare. Leave your comments and I'll take everything into consideration.

Anyway, that's it from myself. I thank you for taking the time to read this. Again, I'd like to reiterate that if you require anything at all, don't hesitate to ask!

Thank you,

DJK Wuntila (Obelisk)/AED/Galeres of Arcona [ACC: CL:1] DC-CP / Cr-1R-1A-4S-2E-5T-1Q / CF-BlF / SI / S:-2Do-2Dk


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