Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

_ISD Eye of the Abyss, 33 ABY

Ruluk sighed heavily. It had been a difficult day. He sat in front of his desk, his fingers massaging his head. After a while, he stopped. All that focus, all that effort was for nothing. All that thinking brought him no ideas on what to write about. _

Okay, ignore that intro fiction. I didn't come up with any idea for fiction. =P

Back to business, welcome to my latest report for Shadow Gate. Lots of things happened during these weeks, mostly due to old pending medals being awarded last week. Now that everyone received their missing awards, you can't complain about anything... Wait, you can, and you probably will, won't you?

  • DB News

  • The Combat master (or P:VOICE) was chosen. Please congratulate Vivackus Kavon. The Magistrate was chosen as well. Please congratulate Ji K'awiil des Oultrevent.

  • Shadow Academy's "professor of clan histories" application time has ended. We will find out the chosen one during these days.

  • Professor of General Studies is still up, though. Apply to that one as well, if you so desire.

  • AWOL check going on. If you, for some rare reason, haven't replied already, do so now, or you're out.

  • The voice is in need of competition ideas for the whole DB. If you have an idea that seems great, go on and suggest it. If it's not writing-related, still, do share the idea with the respective council member. You can talk to me for a gaming idea, if you want.

  • The Sage Writing course will be ran by the Headmaster (No. Not Oberst). Signup for it, and cross your fingers for the best. That is hard, but if you make it through, you will earn a maven that very few have. VERY FEW. Give it a try. More info in the link.

  • Clan and house/BT news

  • Dash won the equite ACC ladder. W00t!

  • Talos is da new Aedile of HQD! Congratulate him.

  • Orv (ex-Seneschal) came to Arcona! More specifically, became an Arconae. More specifically, di Tenebrous Arconae. Congratulate him.

  • Mejas has returned as well!

  • New BTL for Black Hammer. Welcome to the summit, Maaks!

  • We (the clan) are getting new faces. i.e., activity is reviving. Do not fall back!

  • MISC: Clan Trivia going on. Held every saturday. More info here!

  • MISC: Do the biggest amount of exams during one month, and get both a crescent and a maven for it. Details!

  • GAMING: The RC ladder has started already. Everyone are doing their matches.

  • WRITING: Voice's may competitions are over, giving space to the june competitions to start. All of them are future-themed. For the first one, you have to tell us the end of this brotherhood. It is over. The brotherhood has finally fallen, all of these dark jedi have reached their ultimate end. You? You are playing a role in all of this. Tell us about it!

  • Second voice competition: Lover of horror movies? Well, make it Star Wars themed. Can you survive your own horror movie?

  • Third voice competition: Your path to your ultimate goal in your life has finally been revealed. Tell us about it!

  • ALT WRITING: Get a humorous fiction done. The winner will have his fiction turned into a comic by Juda. Cool, huh?

  • For EVERYONE: THE RUN-ON IS STILL GOING ON!!! POST IN IT AND GET THE NEW MEDALS!! (Clusters of Ice. It sounds so cool!)

  • Ruluk got 6 CFs.
  • Jaysun got 1 CI.
  • Earnest got 5 CIs and 1 Seal of Bone.
  • Nix got a Seal of Bone.






Get this rocking! Keep activity coming! As you can see, lots of stuff are going on, so don't miss this!

  DJK Ruluk Okoth (Sith)/Qel-Droma of Arcona The Proud Battleteam Leader of Shadow Gate ID 7606

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