Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings Jeth's Legacy!

As you can no doubt tell from the fact that I am even writing this report, I once again have access to the internet! This means, that I will now know just what all of you are up to in the db once more!

I can already see that Jeth's Legacy has been doing some fine things for the representation of this house, because my inbox was filled with all sorts of MAA messages. Keep up the good work team!

While I have been away, I have been thinking quite a bit about running some BT level competitions. Nothing too fancy, just some small things to keep you guys on your toes and awesomely active (plus, it'll earn you medals, and who doesn't want those?).

If any of you have any thoughts on some competitions to run, let me know.

On a sad note, Ryujin has officially left us and returned to being Raiju Kang. He was a great partner with me in designing this team, and his hard work will be remembered. Farewell Raiju, you will be missed.

And now on to my favorite part of the report, listing all the GREAT things our members have done!

Habib earned a Crescent with a Quartz Star for placing in the Family Foto comp. Nice job Habib!

Guinevere won a battle in the ACC against Jedi Hunter Dirk Valentine and scored a Cluster of Ice to add to her already impressive collection. Well done Guin!

Murtallica scored eight Clusters of Fire for gaming. Way to go Murt!

Congratulations to all of you three for doing a fantastic job in scoring medals. Keep it up!

So to wrap up this report, send me competitions ideas. Nothing too complicated (as these are BT level comps) but something to keep the ball rolling! Also, if you have any ideas for the BT in general, send those my way too. And if you just want to send feedback, feel free to send that in as well.

Keep it up JL!

Severon Vercingetorix

-- SW Severon Vercingetorix Consular of House Odan-Urr Former Member of House Tarentum

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