Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Initiates: Finish your Test of Lore, then come back to read this report. I don't care what House you're in - finish the Test and come back.

IHR Quaestor Banner

If you haven't already signed up for the House run-on, please take a moment to stop by the forums and do so. Watch your email for more news.

House Run-On Signups

We have fielded one whole team for the DB-wide run-on. I'm thoroughly impressed with these guys for their work so far. Continue to cheer them on as they work towards victory. They are Team #6. Follow their exploits on the forums.

Team #6 DB Run-On

There are just under ten of you who are at the heart of Revan's activity right now. Thank you all - hearing from you and seeing regular participation in the club is fantastic. Don't give up! Because I want to reward you with something in exchange for your time and energy, I'm going to try to regularly award you for your activity.

We have a trivia ladder running from now until July - answer questions, earn points. Top three finishers by the time July comes around will earn crescents.

Independence Games are coming - and with them, a chance to work unabashedly to promote yourself as one of the best writers, gamers, designers, or artists in the club. When the gate opens, flood the arena with awesome.

Halc has been shuffled up to Deputy Grand Master, leaving behind an empty seat. Do you want to be the Voice? Get over to Muz's report, check out the details, and apply.

Have a dream for some activity: a fantastic run-on, a brilliant competition, an idea to help bolster activity? Email them to me - I'm open to hearing your thoughts and suggestions. I'd even love to put some of your ideas into motion.


If you are planning on running an event within the House, coordinate with the House Summit during the planning process. Keep the Summit in the loop so that if anything happens before or during the event, someone can take over where you left off and finish the competition for you. This is new policy.


Finish the Report 1st: Jaek Aralias 2nd: Tyre Arvalis

Trivia Round One 1st: Lambow 2nd: Tsingtao Ming 3rd: Tyre Arvalis

New Members: Mikol Sylva (New Member) Kel Kaveel (New Member) Lambow (Returning from Rogues) Excrucio (Transfer from Arcona)

Transfering Members: Jaek Aralias (Transfer to Plagueis)

Rank Promotions: Kel Kaveel: Novice Reventh: Novice Excrucio: Acolyte Tyre Arvalis: Dark Jedi Knight

Competition Awards Since February: Lambow: Legion of the Scholar Tsingtao Ming: Legion of the Scholar Tyre Arvalis: Crescent with Amethyst Star, Crescent with Sapphire Star (2), Crescent with Topaz Star Xathas: Crescent with Emerald Star, Cluster of Fire (78)

Merit Awards (January and February): Tsingtao Ming: Dark Cross Tyre Arvalis: Anteian Cross


Everyone needs to be on the mailing list. If you did not receive a link to this report in your email, you need to do the following:

1) Check that you are signed up for the House mailing list. If you are not a member of that group, email me so that you can be added to the group. House Revan Google Group 2) If you are signed up, make sure that you receive regular emails from the group - in "Edit my membership," select either "email," "digest email," or "abridged email." 3) READ YOUR EMAILS. If this means you need to forward emails to your primary email account, make it happen. I want to hear from you guys before Independence Games.


In the common habit of the leadership here, I've opened a Formspring account to help deal with any questions you might have - public or anonymous. I look forward to hearing from you all. Copy/Paste and Ask Away: www.formspring.me/eikolanzer

I'd like to stop one more time to congratulate Tyre Arvalis on his rank promotion - he's been hounding me with ideas and questions of the best sort ever since he arrived in our House. Now, his work has paid off and he's earned himself a lightsaber.

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