VOICE Report 5.1.11


VOICE Report 5.1.11

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Report Number: 2 Date: 5.01.2011

Congratulations to all Independence Games winners and participants! I'd like to thank everyone who participated and celebrated our departure from the Emperor's Hammer all those years ago. Look for the Fiction Plot Update sometime this week!

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I'd like to start this Report with a topic that we all love. Secrets! I've begun work with my Praetor and Magistrates on a large project that we hope will provide the Brotherhood with a completely new activity and will provide a whole new way to experience this club. Because it is a super-secret project, I can only tell you its name: Project Romeo. The project is so secret I can't even tell you the whole name. Just know that you should look forward to this.

I would also like to announce that this Month marks the first of what I'm calling "VOICE Sponsored Competitions". Through my office, members of all ranks and position can have a DB-wide competition created, hosted, and sponsored. This will enable members who are not leaders to gain experience in carrying out large scale competitions. If you are interested send my Praetor and I an email and be sure to CC your House and Clan Summits as well. We'll work with you to develop and official proposal which includes a purpose, the competition details, grading and awarding criteria, and then submit the competition request. Members will run the competition with my oversight and will send me the list of winners so that I may submit the reccs. Well run competitions may earn their creators some accolades of their own. This month DJK Sarconn of House Tarentum will be running a Competition he calls "Rise of Evil".

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Your Monthly Topics for Competition this month are:

Rise of Evil VOICE Hosted Competition:

People do dark things. For what reason, only they know. Dark and Light Side alike delve into passions and emotions long held back.

In this competition, run by DJK Sarconn, writers will choose four of the seven Cardinal Sins and compose a fiction containing those elements.

We will be grading on several criteria: Basic writing criteria (such as spelling, and grammar), flow of the story, the creativity of the work, and of course originality.

Fictions may be as long as you want, but no shorter than 1000 words. All fiction must be sent to DJK Sarconn as well as the VOICE for grading. details can be found here


The Brotherhood has an enemy. He was once one of us, but now seeks our destruction. There are no lengths to which he will go to see our downfall.

Lord Ashen needs eyes on this man at all times, but our agents have slowly begun disappearing. You have been ordered to track him down, maintain surveillance, and report on his movements. You are not to approach him under any circumstance. Defend yourself as necessary. Remain unseen.

Read the DB Plot fictions hosted on the Message boards to gain clues and insights as to whom your target is and how dangerous he really is. Fictions may be as long as you wish but must be at least 1500 words long. Send all entries to the VOICE and be sure to CC your House/Clan summits.

The winning entry of this event will become Canon* within the DB and all events, injuries sustained, and actions taken will be permanent. You may not kill or harm the target in your fiction.

*Subject to revision and approval by VOICE/GM Details can be found here

note There will be one more MT Competition once it clears the MAA's office

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This last bit is more of some advice than anything else. When you submit to a competition with any sort of file, your entry should include your name or pin in the file name as well as within the entry. Your email should have a relevant subject line that identifies what competition you're entering. Also, Jeric made these wonderful report graphics. Hit him up for the good stuff! That is all.

** His Excellency, Vodo Biask Taldrya Voice of the Brotherhood **

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