Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Galeres Headquarters; Audience Chamber

The Chief Builder of the Eldarian Architectural Commission, Sul Armon, shadowed Obelisk Templar Talos Erinos’ every step as the Galerian Aedile inspected the Private Audience Chamber of the Warrior House’s new base of operations, the last stop on their tour.

“As you can see, my lord Talos, everything was built exactly as your instructions ordered…there was no deviation” the Chief said as Talos ran his hand over the exquisitely worked armrests of the cathedra, a large chair with a high back.

“Indeed, Chief Sul. As I look upon your craftsmanship, I can see that the rumors were not exaggerated in the slightest” Talos replied as he fondly ran a hand down the back of the chair, the perfect grain of the synth-wood disrupted only by the symbols of Clan Arcona and House Galeres that had been lovingly tooled into the chair’s back.

The Eldarian architect looked inordinately pleased with himself as the tall Dark Jedi moved from the cathedra, his own seat of power, to the more elegant throne that sat just a step above on the marble dais.

“And I’m sure that the Golden Dragon Throne wasn’t damaged in any way whatsoever during the relocation from Mount Faspere?” the Templar asked, turning and facing Sul, who swallowed nervously.

Like 99% of the artifacts that the Architectural Commission had moved from the House’s old base, deep in Mount Faspere, Sul had no idea of the true significance of the Golden Dragon Throne, just that it was extremely valuable…and heavy.

“Of course not, my lord! The Commission used extreme caution and only the highest grade equipment to move the Throne and the rest of the House’s treasured possessions!” the Chief Builder prattled, bobbing his head furiously in an effort to back up his words.

Talos nodded slowly and sucked on his lower lip before perching himself on the edge of the Golden Dragon Throne; while he was only the Aedile of the House, and the Throne was the seat of the Quaestor, Talos couldn’t sit in it by right. However, since Celahir had departed on a special mission, and Talos had assumed the role of acting Quaestor, he allowed himself a small amount of indulgence.

“Good” he said finally. “And I assume the…special corridors that were mentioned in the blueprints have been constructed according to the specifications”

Chief Sul’s large head bobbed up and down again:

“Indeed, my lord. Every part of the plans for this magnificent base was followed to the letter” he reassured the Aedile.

Talos feigned a smile at that. “I don’t doubt it, Chief Sul. But best to make sure, you know?”

“Oh, but of course my lord. I know it all too well. Now, if you will forgive my bluntness, may we speak of the Commission’s compensation? As I said, I hate to rush things, but I have another obligation this evening.”

The young Erinos smiled a genuine smile this time…but it was not a happy smile. Rather, it was devoid of all emotion except cold purpose. It spoke of danger.

Not that the Chief of the Architectural Commission noticed. He was totally oblivious to the danger he was in.

“Indeed, Chief Sul. I’d hate to keep you. I have your compensation right here” the Aedile said, reaching into one of the pouches on his robe’s utility belt and withdrawing a shiny silver, non denominational cred-card and, with a slight push in the Force, sent it floating into Sul’s hand.

The Eldarian was quiet for a moment as he ran the card through a data reader on his belt, and when the reader’s screen displayed the agreed upon amount (20,000,000), the Keadean looked up with a broad smile on his face.

It would be the last facial expression he would ever make.

“Why thank you, my lord. It has been –“ before Sul could finish his sentence, Talos was in the air; he leapt towards the Chief Builder and faster than the eye could see, his lightsaber was in hand.

The Templar landed right in front of the man and he raised his sword, the crimson blade dissecting the air in front of him.

Then he brought it down in a brutal arc.

And it was over. Sul Armon’s head, still with that stupid smile creasing his face, rolled across the marble floor of the audience chamber.

“A pleasure, yes” Talos finished for the now decapitated man and in one swift motion, he twirled his saber around his hand once and deactivated it, clipping it to his belt even as he began to speak:

“Friend Kratus…friend Acheron” he said formally to the apparently deserted room.

Then, as if the room could hear him, a section of the left wall cycled upwards, revealing a secret passage and two other Dark Jedi; one was Sith Warrior Kratus Vahillus, a recent addition to Clan Arcona, while the other was Obelisk Prelate Acheron d’Tana, a former member of the Clan who had up and vanished one day…only to return nearly half a decade later in the same manner as his disappearance.

The two cyborg Dark Jedi emerged from the secret passage and stood at something akin to parade rest as their Aedile and acting Quaestor looked them up and down before nodding approval.

With Kratus in his black naval jacket, ornamented with emerald trim, and Acheron in his iconic black tactical fatigues, both were well suited to the task…more appropriately, test, that Talos had decided to put before them:

“My friends…out in the foyer, you will find the rest of the Architectural Commission, all of whom have intimate knowledge of our new home. Knowledge that we cannot run the risk of them sharing… prove your loyalty to me, to your House, and your Clan by making sure they never do” Talos Erinos ordered.

The two cyborgs shared a silent glance at the other before nodding their heads in understanding. Satisfied that the Architectural Commission of Eldar would die within their final project, the Aedile of House Galeres turned on his heel and stalked out of the audience chamber through the door behind the two thrones.

If Talos Erinos had passed anyone on his way back to his private quarters, and if they looked at his face, they would have seen the slightest glint of sulfuric yellow in his otherwise calm blue eyes.


Report time, Galerians! Now, I know you’re probably like “Ok, what in the name of [choice word here] is this guy doing reporting again…isn’t it Celahir’s turn?”. The answer to that is…yes and no. While we’d be at the “Quaestor’s” place in the report rotation, Celahir is on an LoA until the 5th of July…making me the Aedile and acting Quaestor. MUHAHA!

So, in short, if you don’t feel like reading another Aedile report, you can just tell yourself that you’re reading an Acting Quaestor report. Ya dig ;D

Anyhow, time to get onto the sexiness. Now, I know that I promised in my previous report that all further reports would be shorter. I lied. Don’t look at me like that…I’m a Dark Jedi, what did you expect? Naa, the truth is that you guys are just so damn good at being active that the reportable things just piles up quicker than I can blink. We’ve got medals, promotions, competitions, and the whole lot to go over, so here we go!

~~ :: The Dark Digest of the Brotherhood ::

Right, as the title above states, I’m done with giving in depth reportings of what’s going in the whole Brotherhood…that’s for our lovely Consul and Proconsul as well as the Dark Council to do. However, I will provide you all with a “condensed” version:

• DBWiki is back up! Orv worked some arcane magic and threatened whatever went wrong with the threat of enacting Doomsday a year and a half early…and bam, it went back online!

• Taigikori’s One-Year Anniversary as Headmaster Report is out! A new course is released and Eiko Iclo became the newest M:HM. Congratulations to Taig for making a year on the Council and Eiko. Oh, Taig got promoted too. That’s pretty chill.

• Grand Master, Fist, and Herald reports are out! As usual, they’re all sexy in their own ways. Read ‘em when you get a chance.

• While it isn’t a report, the Voice, Vodo Biask FaTALdrya, released a pretty epic Brotherhood fictional update. It looks like Arcona and Taldryan are about to get into an industrial espionage spat. Stay tuned.

-- Bam,, dawgs, that’s all I got for you in the DB Digest. Love it. Read it. Or else <3


:: Shadows Moving, the Clan Going-Ons ::

Ah finally, the **** that really matters. Clan Arcona has been on top (when aren’t we) this past month and as such, lets not waste time getting into the goods.

• Our erstwhile Rollmaster, Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, has finally been rewarded for his super hard work with a Ruby Sceptre! Major congratulations to Timeros, I can’t begin to say how much he deserved this. However, the two walls of text on Tim’s dossier can.

• Because Timeros just can’t take a breath without exuding awesome, he has continued to impress by releasing the brand new Master/Student Program for Clan Arcona, something that has become necessary since one of the requirements for Equite 2’s to get to Equite 3 is to train at least one apprentice up to Knight.

• Speaking of Knights, Kant Lavar (finally) got himself Knighted! Make sure to congratulate him on that!

• Our glorious Proconsul, Wuntila Entar, has, in a move of rebellion against the establishment, spilt Pepsi on his laptop and fried it. As such, he is currently on a Semi-Active basis. What should you learn from our wonderful deputy leader? Drink Coke.

• And finally, the Clan’s newest Operation, Ad Infinitum, is up and running! We’re running this as a joint-Op with our brosefs in Tarentum. Consul Zandro sent out an e-mail about a week ago with the fictional intro and the events of the first phase of the Op. There are literally events for everyone and they all end on 7/18/2011. I’ve seen a great amount of participation already, and I can only hope to see it increase!

And that’s it. In short, Arcona is well…being Arcona. As in kicking butt and taking names, all while looking good.


:: House News ::

And if you thought the Clan News was the **** that mattered, just wait till you read the stuff below. It’ll blow your mind.

• As said above, Celahir, our Quaestor, is on leave until the 5th of July, when his internet hopefully gets installed and he can rejoin the online awesomness that is the Dark Brotherhood.

• The new base writeup is done, as the intro fiction hinted at. It’ll be put up on the wiki shortly and then an e-mail from yours truly will be sent out containing the link so you all can go read it and let me know you think.

• In BT news, Cethgus Entar has released another report for Revenance Virtuom, our new Battleteam!

• Also in BT news, Cethgus and RV have grown some brass balls and called out Sashar and his boys in Soulfire Strike Team to fight over the title of “Battleteam Elite”. From what I understand, at the end of Ad Infinitum, the team with the most points (determined by the cumulative points of the members) will be declared the new Battleteam Elite. Now, as a friendly reminder, I’m all for some healthy competition, especially any that promotes activity. However, let’s keep this civil, alright? I don’t want to have to step in, but I will if needs be.

• Finally, with the recent surge of activity due to OAI (Operation Ad Infinitum), the Arcona Contract Bureau has been kind of/sort of/unofficially split between Marick Del’Abbot and myself. Here’s how; Marick will be taking care of those contracts requested by his Qel-Dromans, while I’ll be serving any Galerians who request. So request! Much love <3

And that’s it for the News section of this report. Now, let’s list and praise the promotions and shinies!


:: Medals/Promotions ::

• Our very own Krath Priestess, Xathia Vahillus, has shirked off the mantle of Equite 1 and stepped into the rank of Krath Archpriestess. Major kudos to her on a very well earned, and long overdue, promotion.

• House Galeres’ newest star, Andraste Vivendi, has been promoted to not only Novice, but Acolyte as well! Well done, Andraste!

• Krath Priestess Inarya has been awarded an Anteian Cross for her hard work to the Clan in general, but specifically the work she has put into the foundation of Battleteam Revenance Virtuom. Well done!

• Likewise, Sith Battlemaster Cassandra El’sin has been awarded a Steel Cross for her unceasing activity to House and Battleteam! Nice job! Cassie was also awarded 5x Clusters of Fire for her mad gaming skillz.

• Similar to my last report, Jedi Hunter VanWyck has earned yet another Dark Maven, this time in Philosophy. Well done, VanWyck!

And that’s it for Medals and Promotions! Major congratulations to all those who were promoted or awarded…the Summit of Arcona truly appreciates your unceasing effort :)


:: Ins/Outs ::

Got some great news to report here guys! As you’ve probably noticed by now, if you’ve been on IRC, Clan Arcona, and House Galeres in particular, has a new addition! Kratus Vahillus, formerly Severon, has joined us from House Odan-Urr, and has already proven to be quite the asset by jumping feet first into Battleteam Revenance Virtuom. So if you haven’t already, make sure to give him a pat on the back and welcome him to the fold!

And it doesn’t stop there…Acheron d’Tana, formerly Akhera Nol, has come to us from House Qel-Droma, in order to be closer to his apprentice, Andraste. Like Kratus above, Acheron has also joined Revenance Virtuom!

Welcome to both of you! We’re definitely glad to have you.


Obelisk Templar Voden Erinos (Max) has left our House and Clan to return to House Plagueis, his first Brotherhood home. While he will be sorely missed, we wish Voden the best of luck!

And that’s it…welcome to Kratus and Acheron, and farewell to Voden!


:: Conclusion ::

So here we are, at the end of another Aedile Novel…I mean, report. In summary, I just want to thank you all for the increased amount of activity that I, and the rest of the Summit, have been seeing. It’s much appreciated! Also, remember to compete in Operation: Ad Infinitum, as there’s something for everyone, and even the participation points count for your next medal or promotion in the long run.

And therefore, I say good night. I wish you all well in both your Real Life and Brotherhood endeavors and hope to see the rise that Clan Arcona has been experiencing continue long into the future. As always, if you need anything, my door is always open. But take heed, 99.99% of the time, I won’t be wearing a shirt (that’s for Sashar).

Aedile Talinos (see what I did there? Clever, right?), signing off!

~Talos Erinos, Aedile, House Galeres.

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