Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Hey Regulators,

Sorry that I’ve been so quiet lately, but a lot of RL happened. Sadly there hasn’t been a lot of participation lately, but I hope to change that. I am going to run a competition that WILL double as an awol check. So if you don’t participate, then you will be removed from the Regulators. It will be a small comp, but will let me know who is still around and who isn’t. My comp will begin on WEDNESDAY. With that business taken care of I would like to welcome a new member to our team Samantha Oblivion. In other recent news Robert Sadow is our new PCON. Make sure to congratulate Bob.

Participation: Creon- *12 clusters of fire! (really? Thanks for all the math I have to do to add this to the wiki :P) *Dark Maven Philosophy

Saeleth- * Passed Galactic Languages

Comps: Take the Cruiser To the Victor go the spoils Locations of Antei The Spy Unrest in the City (This is never gonna end, so please join in and have some fun) Men of the Brotherhood Calendar Women of the Brotherhood Calendar Plagueis Fusion Redux Fin My Lyrics A String of Fortune Report Lyrics #DB Trivia [Fist] Soul Calibur 4 weekend End of the Year Gaming

{Pandora} week 2 (ends the 29th)

(next wednesday these Fist Comps end!) Halo:Reach Firefight JO CTF 2 Special League of Legends Curbstomp the Gamers Beat up the Fist

DJK Roxas Buurenaar (Obelisk)/SGT/Shar Dakhan of Naga Sadow [ACC: CAN] DC / Cr-1S-4E-3T-6Q / CI-PC / S:-3De


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