Herald Report


Herald Report

This report is going to be really small and be filled with more RL events than DB stuff. It's been a really slow period for us in the Herald's Office, however we're gearing up for Herald Style Hanukkah. Expect sexy things coming to you for Christmas.

Also, I released a competition a while back called "To the Victor go the Spoils". This was a competition designed to get an idea for potential Clan/House artifacts. I received 5 entries for this competition. With that said, I decided to keep the awards at 2nd Level Crescents. Here are your winners:

1st Place: Morotheri (HOU) 2nd Place: Furios (PLA) 3rd Place: James Roberts-Brannigan (REV)

Congratulations you three!

On this note, I have a major announcement to make. As most of you know, I am enlisted in the US Navy. That said, I will be going underway tomorrow, plus I will be on for a 6 month deployment later on. I will be missing most of the Great Jedi War as well as the release of Herald Style Hanukkah. These two events are some of my favorites and while I hate to have to leave you guys during these times, I signed up for this and am ready to serve my country. In this time, Ekeia will be acting Herald, in my leave. If Muz and the rest of the Council would not mind my return, I would like to return to the duties of Herald.

Now, let's move on to the sexiness.

Nariah Jadon

Completed by Ekeia:

Kal di Plagia Vorrac Celevon Edraven Tiamath

Shaz'air Taldrya

Completed by Ekeia:

Valkas Tamalar Palpatine

Malik asks: "Is the HRLD office working on anything awesome?"

We're always working on something awesome. You can see a teaser of it on Tra'an's, Eiko's, and Xen's dossiers.

Cethgus asks: "What is your favorite alcoholic drink?"

My favorite beer, currently is either Guinness or a Korean beer called OB. My favorite hard liquor is scotch and Jaeger. Not mixed together. That would just be blasphemous.

Kelvis asks: "What should we not bug you with?"

The biggest thing that people have been asking about lately has been custom robes and armor, followed closely by character images. Right now, custom robes and armor is not available unless Muz and/or I decide that someone deserves it or they're modeling potential items for upcoming things. In addition, some things will end up being Possessions system items, which means they will require certain parameters to be met, as well as a high credit value.

As for character images, these are done at the discretion of myself, Muz, and my Staff. Currently, I have come up with a potential system for this that will be released along with the Face Selector, once it is completed. I have talked with Muz about it and there looks like we will have something upcoming in the near future.

If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to send me an email or find me in #HRLD_Office you can also ask a question here.

Robes: 141 Lightsabers: 735 Warbanners: 453 Miscellaneous: 132

-DA Shikyo Keibatsu Sadow Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Samurai of the Keibatsu Bloodline

Be safe shipmate!

Shik is a seaman! <3 But yea, be safe and all that. We kinda need you to make us awesome graphics and all that.


Nice report, Shik! Be safe on your deployment!, I admire your sense of duty and loyalty to country. PS -- I want cool Zayne Carrick-influenced robes :\

Stay safe, Shikaroni!

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