Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Aedile Report


Good Evening House Plagueis! Tonight we stand upon pillars of activity and bastions of inspiration. The last few weeks had shown myself and the other Summit members that we can stand as one and yell proudly that we will not go silently into the abyss, nor will we stand in fear to the other Clans and Houses and squirm under their gazes and have our spirits broken. For those that participated, the SUmmit and myself is very proud of all of you. Our various captains ensured that our members were motivated and knew what was going on. Some of us didn't participate as much as we probably could, myself being guilty of that, and while it is regrettable, it isn't the end of the world. We can stand firm now and maintain a healthy activity level.

My name, for those wondering, is Sarak Shai and I am once again the Aedile of House Plagueis. I will offer each and everyone of you an open door and a listening ear. If you got a problem, I wanna hear about it, and perhaps I can help you with it. I may seem mean and scary, but in reality, I'm a teddy bear. A teddy bear with a sick and twisted mind, but a teddy bear none the less.

Results from the Great Jedi War

I sadly will not list all the achievements of everyone in the House, as I'm sure Tra'an or Unus will do that. It is my belief that people don't participate because they want a reward, people participate cause they want to. You all deserve to be congratulated, and all those that tried their best and participated have my respect. I'm proud to be a Plagueian, and though we didn't win or come close, it was a victory for the Summit and for all of us cause we learned that we can rely on our members (Note: We never were scared that we couldn't rely on any of you, you just reaffirmed our beliefs in all of you).

There are a few people I'd like to congratulate and say thank you to personally, as they did their best and tried to motivate people.

Furios, for being one of our Captains and being a highly active Gamer throughout the GJW.

Koga, for always trying to inspire and challenge our members and working on fictions throughout the GJW.

Vessicant, for being an impressive writer and being one of the numerous examples for newer members for standards of ACC Writing

Arcadian, for picking up the slack on our Wiki page for the last week.

These are obviously not the only people that deserve a shout out, as you all deserve a pat on the back and an "Atta boy/girl."


APP Keorai earned the rank of NOV! Congratulations to you!

Also, welcome to the House Godo Nurok!

Where do we go from here?

The question that usually looms in everyones mind after a Vendetta or a GJW is "What now?" Everyone always thinks that if they are active during the Great Jedi War and get a lot of shiny new medals during it, they'll be able to excel and thrive in the jungles that are the Dark Brotherhood. The fact is that we have to be active all the time and participate as much as we can. We have plans toiling in the works at the moment, and Kal is working on a new Run On for the House (I love Halloween-esque Run Ons by the way) and we can all expect to enjoy that soon enough.

We also have other projects that will need work, and its my hope that when the time comes for assistance, we have a few shining active members that will stand firmly and say that they'll gladly help. I have no doubt that this will be the case. For now, however, I sadly have to leave you in the dark about this because most of the groundwork for the projects in mind still need to be laid down before I can request assistance. Stay tuned though, I promise ya it'll come soon.

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